Friday, May 27, 2016

Our Dream Vacation ~Planning and Preparing

So we've been excited for this trip since Christmas...
some of you remember that our daughter and son-in-law made
arrangements for us to visit them on the other side of the pond.

First, the most obvious necessities...
*U Shaped Neck Pillow with Memory Foam
*One-Zip Travel Baggies
*Cute Passport Holder
(Thank you, Emily and Jake)
*Selfie Stick

Hubby took care of the more important necessities,
like how we will pay for things when we visit another country.

Of course, when you are gone for a week, 
you need to pack clothing with "mix and match" in mind.

Remember, earlier this spring,
I purchased a jacket with a hood.

And some sturdy walking shoes.

Thanks for the advice, Debra.
Lots of our walking may be on cobblestones,
so I think the naturalizer soles are a good choice.

Since I feel like I've reached a stopping point at school,
we can now focus on the details for our trip.

Stay tuned!

Take care,

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday ~Packing & Moving...Moving & Packing ~~Plus A Little Joy Sprinkled In

My teaching assignment has changed once again.
It seems like I just moved all of my curriculum and materials 
into the ATEC Academy.
And now, I am moving out again.
Hubby came with me to climb up to take my banners down 
and to carry out the rest of my boxes.
(Thank you, honey.)

On my front table...this reminder of why we all work so hard.
A lovely bouquet of flowers from two of my senior girls.

So, I brought closure to my short time in the ATEC Academy.
Seems like it was just last week!

This bouquet features a variety of colors and flowers...
the purple is just so rich.

Back to packing & moving...
We teachers all have an area in the TPC
(teacher planning center)
Last year, the carpet was replaced in the B-1 TPC.
Yep, you guessed it...this year it was our turn in the A-1 TPC.

Everything had to be moved out of the drawers, shelves,
file cabinets, and desktops.
Remember, I have 37 years of curriculum on hand...
and yes, it was a huge task.

Somehow, flowers make it all better...

Last but not least, this was my first classroom 
when we moved to Central High School.
This is where I taught Fashion,
Child Development/Parenting,
Child Development/Preschool,
Personal Development,
and Independent Living.

Now it will be converted to a Commercial Kitchen,
where we will teach Culinary Arts.

We moved everything out,
including the storage area in the back.

It was all a whirlwind,
and I have some boxes stacked in our garage.
(I can sort and discard on my own time this summer.)

Meanwhile, these cheerful yellow daisies 
just make me happy!

Take care,

Monday, May 23, 2016

CTE Fashion ~How to Keep Your Students Engaged, Even When It Feels Like Summer

Naturally, you host a Red Carpet Event...
and your students design the dresses!

It was the last week of school. 
Students took notes to review for the End of Course Exam.

With the class time remaining, 
my Fashion students applied what they had learned about 
the Elements and Principles of Design.

I provided the Aluminum Foil and
Colored Plastic Wrap.

Students created the designs and styled their hair.

There was so much talent and creativity in this class.
I think we all enjoyed this activity.

Take care,

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Finally Friday ~Celebrating the End of the School Year ~Food Class Style with Sweet Treats

Lava Cakes!
Students love them...
plus they learn what it means to separate an egg.

They can exercise their creativity and show off their artistic flare
by decorating their dessert plate.

I have two Pampered Chef Sugar Shakers that I bring from home...
one with powdered sugar, one with cocoa.
Along with chocolate, strawberry and caramel syrup,
no two plates are the same.

This little cake looks perfect...

The little hole on top is a perfect spot for 
whipped topping or ice cream.

Perfect sweet ending to a meal...
perfect sweet ending to a school year.

And these sweethearts didn't even complain about clean-up!
Have a great summer, everyone.
Stay safe.

Take care,

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday ~Planning a Party ~Celebrating Graduation

Today was our Seniors' last day of high school...
and since I have a Senior Super Study,
a little party was in order.

My friend, Karren, is a master cupcake maker...
and she did a beautiful job with these.

If you thought they were cute in the box,
they looked simply fabulous on my cupcake tree!

Zoe made brownies... and,
Josh has been our official ice cream scooper for four years now.
A couple of the girls collaborated and brought flowers for me.
(Thank you, Megan and Mackenzie!)

In the background, a photo from their freshman year.

Sweet treats!

Congratulations, everyone!

I'm proud of you...I'll miss you.
I hope we can stay in touch!

I have been at CHS long enough to see four groups of students through from their Freshman year to their Graduation.  As you can imagine, teachers develop a close bond with these students.  

Each and every one holds a special place in my heart.

Take care,

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fruit Pizza ~It Looks Good Enough to Eat ~~Recipe Link

Fruit Pizza is a favorite in my Foods Class.

We spend a week on the Fruits and Vegetables Unit.

Students study Nutritional Value, Selection and Storage Tips,
and they research interesting facts.

Each student prepares and presents a powerpoint 
on the fruit or vegetable of their choice.

The unit concludes with the preparation of Fruit Pizza.

They can exercise their creativity in their arrangement of fruit.

Plus, it's delicious.

Here's the link to my Fruit Pizza recipe.
There are nuts and rolled oats in my crust for texture, 
flavor and some whole grain goodness.

Take care,

p.s. If someone has an allergy to nuts,
just leave them out.  The crust still turns out fine.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Finally Friday ~Where the Week Went ~Monday Mouse Patrol and My Fearless Freshmen

I like to arrive at school early...
I can prepare for lab, log into my computer,
and unpack my school bag.
However, the best part is the one-on-one time 
I spend with the Early Bird Students that hang out in my room.

On Monday, we were doing just that, 
when out from the pantry comes a tiny mouse.
Tevin and I were trying to trap the little guy under a trash can,
when Conner came in. They got him!
Can you see his tail?

Soon after, the little mouse's brother emerged from the pantry.
This guy wasn't so lucky. 
That's his head sticking out under the trash can.
He died at the scene.

With Conner sitting on the pink trash can,
and Tevin's foot up the the brown trash can,
I called the office to send the custodians.

Bye Bye, Little Guy.

After everyone settled down, we were able to focus on the day's lesson.
Students presented Power Point Presentations about various fruits and vegetables...
then we enjoyed some fruit tasting.

Until Michelle says, "Mrs. Geffre, there's another mouse!"
He sought refuge under the range in the window kitchen.
(Normally, students are not allowed to sit on the counters, 
but this day was an exception.)

A couple of Freshmen boys pulled the range away from the wall,
and Harrison caught him.  
I sent him out the back door to release him in our Environmental Classroom...

But not before 
he became a part of Kaylie's Snap Chat Story.

Take care,

p.s. Trust me...
we have washed all the dishes, utensils, and counter tops
in our foods lab!

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...