Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday ~Packing & Moving...Moving & Packing ~~Plus A Little Joy Sprinkled In

My teaching assignment has changed once again.
It seems like I just moved all of my curriculum and materials 
into the ATEC Academy.
And now, I am moving out again.
Hubby came with me to climb up to take my banners down 
and to carry out the rest of my boxes.
(Thank you, honey.)

On my front table...this reminder of why we all work so hard.
A lovely bouquet of flowers from two of my senior girls.

So, I brought closure to my short time in the ATEC Academy.
Seems like it was just last week!

This bouquet features a variety of colors and flowers...
the purple is just so rich.

Back to packing & moving...
We teachers all have an area in the TPC
(teacher planning center)
Last year, the carpet was replaced in the B-1 TPC.
Yep, you guessed it...this year it was our turn in the A-1 TPC.

Everything had to be moved out of the drawers, shelves,
file cabinets, and desktops.
Remember, I have 37 years of curriculum on hand...
and yes, it was a huge task.

Somehow, flowers make it all better...

Last but not least, this was my first classroom 
when we moved to Central High School.
This is where I taught Fashion,
Child Development/Parenting,
Child Development/Preschool,
Personal Development,
and Independent Living.

Now it will be converted to a Commercial Kitchen,
where we will teach Culinary Arts.

We moved everything out,
including the storage area in the back.

It was all a whirlwind,
and I have some boxes stacked in our garage.
(I can sort and discard on my own time this summer.)

Meanwhile, these cheerful yellow daisies 
just make me happy!

Take care,

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