Monday, November 28, 2016

Cyber Monday Sale in my Etsy Shop

Wooly Owl invites you to stop over to my Etsy Shop
to check him out...
 along with plenty of other handmade treasures.

This week use
coupon code 
to receive 20% 
off your purchase.

Local friends,
contact me for 
purchase and delivery.

Take care,

Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving Week 2016 ~Here's my Report: Ninety five Pounds of Turkey Later...

It was a busy week, indeed.
With Winterfest remains stashed in the storage shed, 
the family room, and my sewing studio,
we forged ahead into the work week.

Parent Teacher Conferences were on the schedule for Tuesday.
Knowing that I had a busy night of preparations ahead,
I stopped at our local supermarket for dinner.
In the 'clearance' cart, I noticed a bunch of over ripe bananas,
and a bundle of over ripe flowers.
Yup, I snatched them up!
 For $1.19, they gave me 
just the inspiration I needed to Get 'er Done.

My students were so pumped to have Turkey Day at school,
I could not let them down...
The birds were in the oven by 6:30 a.m.

And ready by 10 a.m.

Thank you, Guest Carvers,
Head Debate Coach Konda
and School Resource Officer Carlson.

Social Studies Teacher and Coach Hansen
and Head Principal Dr. Uttermark.

The students prepared all of the side dishes,
and then were seated for a special message about
family and holiday traditions.

On the Home Front...
It was a beautiful Thanksgiving morning,
a gentle snow was falling.

I just love Thanksgiving.
Notice, I refuse to decorate for Christmas
until we have had our Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Stuffing!

When our guests arrive, 
we enjoy a glass of wine and simple appetizers.

This gives hubby time to carve our bird 
and for me to mash the potatoes and make the gravy.

Not many folks have to take 
a leaf out of their table for a family meal.
But our group is small, 
and I like to create a more intimate setting.

The Massaged Kale Salad includes dried cranberries, onion,
a Granny Smith apple, sunflower seeds and shaved parmesan.

Hubby's favorite is the Stuffing.

It is no one's favorite,
but eveyone likes the Scalloped Corn.

My favorite is the Mashed Potatoes and Gravy...
the ultimate comfort food.
(It was also one of my cravings when I was pregnant, decades ago!)

It would not be Thanksgiving without a Beta Carotene rich vegetable,
Sweet Potatoes, Yams, or Squash.

Everyone pitched in to help restore our kitchen to order.

May your Thanksgiving weekend be filled with family, friends,
good food, great Black Friday Bargains,
and plenty of rest and relaxation.

Take care,

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Greetings to all Family & Friends

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
It is all about family, good food,
and giving thanks.

Blessings to all of you this beautiful 
Thanksgiving Morning.

Take care,

Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday Mail Call ~Sincere Messages after the Loss of Our Sweet Callie ~~Thank You

Those of you that have lost a pet know 
how difficult the following weeks can be.

Thank you, everyone, for leaving kind comments on facebook...
and for those of you that sent pet sympathy cards.

The box on my porch contained this kitty candle 
from one of our darling daughters.

Our Callie was a special cat.
She was our helper cat.
She was our social cat.

When we were home, she was right there...
watching over what we were doing.

We miss her.

Hug your pet today.
Take care,

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Winterfest 2016 ~Here's My Report: Our Booth ~~When Our Favorite Football Team has a Game ~~~We spent the Weekend with the Nicest People

Winterfest has always been a favorite event for us.
Over thirty years ago, we attended as a family...
enjoying the entertainment, the food, 
and the holiday spirit.

Our girls have grown up and moved away...
Hubby and I still love to be a part of this community event.
There is so much much tradition.

Here's a closer look at our booth... 
remember my Wooly Owl made the newspaper!

Hubby's work includes the barbed wire trees
and the wine bottle necklaces.

And then, when your favorite college football team 
is playing their last game of the regular season... gotta love technology!

Hubby's golfing and hunting buddy is a talented woodworker.
His booth was right across the aisle from us.

And next to him, my fellow teachers and friends 
from the A-1 Academy at Central High School.

On the other side of the arena,
my friend Jamie and her dad.
He has awesome pottery and he travels here from Wyoming 
to display is work at the show.

Another vendor is a friend that I taught with at the Middle School
She creates fun and functional bags.

Here is my view of her booth from the backside!

And this guy...
"take a picture of me,
taking a picture of you".

His woodworking skills are impressive too.

My hubby is a talented musician and artist.

But first and foremost, he is an accountant.
After a show, he reconciles our account...
and prepared the sales tax report.

Thank you, all you local friends, 
that stopped by to say hello.

Take care,

Friday, November 18, 2016

Finally Friday ~Countdown to Winterfest: 1 day ~~Another Finish ~~~My Wooly Owl was Featured in the Newspaper

I am honored to see my Wooly Owl featured in our newspaper!
He is one of many creatures for my booth...all looking for a new home!!

A Snow Day from school could not have come at a better time.
I spent last evening taking all of my display items out from my studio...
dress forms, wooden crates, baskets and vintage luggage.

I have been saving these rich fabrics for just the right project.

A lot of stuffing, scruffy fur beards.

Velvet hats, blushing noses...

A rusty jingle bell and a bit of twine,
all add up to a bunch of Santa Gnomes.

Take care,

Thursday, November 17, 2016

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday ~Winterfest Countdown: 3 Days ~~And Winter Weather is on Its Way

With Winterfest this coming weekend,
it is time for some finishing work.
These tiny beanies are created 
from an upcycled Christmas sweater.

The beanies are finished just in time as our weather forecast 
has been now upgraded to a Blizzard Warning!
The vintage buttons are from my mother's button box.

Ready for Winterfest and hoping to find their
forever home on your Christmas Tree!!

Home Sweet Home ~Last Leg of our Fall Foliage Trip ~A Brewery Tour

Y’All know that we’ve been home for a couple of weeks. This was the highlight of our last day on the road. Leaf Peepin’ through Wisconsin. T...