Thursday, March 30, 2017

Things in My House Thursday ~The Little Things that Make Me Smile ~A New "Helper Cat" on Trial

It has been five months since our Callie passed away.
I have missed my helper cat.
And remember? I was thinking that Lucy was lonesome too.

My sister-in-law told us about a cat out at the clinic 
that has been looking for a forever home since 2014.

I brought the cat carrier into the house...
and within 30 seconds, Lucy realized that something was new.

Jasmine hopped out and hid in my bathroom.
Lucy was not very welcoming.

Here's Lucy keeping 
Jasmine hostage in the bathroom.

Finally, Lucy went downstairs for dinner,
and Jasmine got to sit with me at the counter.

A concerned Lucy...

...and a cautious Jasmine.

She does enjoy hubby's cat treats!

She enjoyed napping with me on Sunday afternoon!

She keeps us company during dinner...

...and helps me correct papers.

It is Lucy that concerns me...

...Do you think she will learn to accept Jasmine?

Take care,


Suzanne said...

Jasmine looks sweet. I hope they become fast friends!

Maureen said...

Oh I hope so for everyone's sake.
Keep us posted :) The picture of Jasmine sitting at your counter cracked me up

Farm Field Primitives said...

Jasmine is beautiful. I hope Lucy gives her a chance!!!

Kit said...

Lovely cat! It may take a little time but a lot depends on their ages. I hope it works out. :) Kit

Welcome March ~What‘cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~the Little Things that Make me Smile

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