Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"For They Say, When You Marry in June, You're a Bride All Your Life" ~Good Friends are a Treasure

This beautiful bride has dreamed of an outdoor wedding 
since she was a little girl.
However, it seemed as if Mother Nature had a different idea.
It was raining when we woke up...and continued to rain all day.

Until about 90 minutes before the ceremony,
the clouds broke...and we saw the sunshine.
The Power of Prayer!
The storm clouds moved to the north,
and provided the perfect backdrop for the bride and groom.

We had a great time celebrating with these special friends...

being there, seated with the family,
as this father walked his darling daughter down the aisle.

My hubby can relate, as he has "given away" two daughters.

So many emotions...
all happy.
But, also those dads are thinking,
"where did my little girl go?"

After the ceremony, we stood on the porch of the club to
watch the photo session...and the clouds.

When the rain came again,
it was a scramble to get everyone and everything inside.

An announcement by the groom assured everyone that 
the storm would soon pass and we could all move
out to the tent for the reception.
(What did we do before Smart Phones
and Weather Apps?)

A beautiful reception tent, indeed.

A heart-felt message from the father and mother of the bride.

And a genuine thank you message from the bride and groom.

The Look of Love.

A Beautiful Bride...A Beautiful Life.

Thank you for sharing your special day with us.

Take care,

1 comment:

Busy Bee Suz said...

So many lovely weddings that you get to attend! This looks especially lovely. Herr dress?? SWOON! Those storm clouds? Wowza.....what a lucky day!

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