Friday, April 6, 2018

Yay for Friday ~Here's Where the Week Went ~Is it Spring Yet?

You all know I have been planning and preparing for a trip
to see our daughter, son-in-law, and our new grandson.

Besides packing my belongings, 
I have been organizing around the house.

When I turned my calendar to April,
I thought it was safe to pack my snowmen away...


Another Snow Day for our School District...
and anyone who is thinking "those lucky teachers",
think again.
It creates havoc in the lesson plan
plus the days need to be made up at the end of the year.

Even in retirement, I remembered the stress I felt as I laid awake, 
listening to the wind and the snow pellets hitting the window.
"will it be a snow day? will it be a late start??"
So many of my foods labs required two or three consecutive days.
Most of my labs filled the whole 87 minute block.
And, I often had Guest Speakers/Field Trips on my agenda for other classes... have to admire their flexiblity.

Back to packing for my trip...
I have tried on all my clothes to make sure they fit.
I have gathered my electronics and the necessary cords.

I have purchased travel size personal care products.
Thank you to the sweet nurse at my last appointment that
gifted me with some samples, the perfect size.

Remember the trip I took with hubby for work?
I so enjoyed my time at this Child's Boutique.
The owners were so personable, so when they offered 
to giftwrap my purchases, I couldn't say no.

As soon as I was out on the sidewalk,
I realized that TSA would not approve,
So, I have sliced open all of the packages.

Several folks have asked about how my hubby will manage.
He says he is looking forward to "having a break"...
and then he says he is kidding. haha

In our 36 years of marriage, we have been apart only a few times...
when I was working on my Masters Degree,
and when I was caring for my mother.

I do think he will enjoy having the house to himself for awhile.

Do you think the cats will miss me?
Do you think they will even know that I am gone?

All this planning and preparation will be so worth it.
In just a few days, 
I will be able to scoop this baby up into my arms.

Take care,


pam said...

Have fun!! I can't wait to see photos of you and the little one!

Attic Clutter said...

Hi Natalie,
Been awhile..good to see you and such a sweet baby.

My Colonial Home said...

How fun will this trip be!!!
There is just no other feeling like the first are going to have so much fun!
We know many, many teachers and know how snow days disrupt the schedules.

The Way Home ~How We Got Here ~A Side Trip to Branson ~Reliving the King of Pop

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