Monday, December 30, 2019

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year ~Christmas 2019 ~Now a Memory ~How We Spent Our Mornings

Like most families, after breakfast,
we all just hung out our pajamas.

Our time together was short,
so we made the most of every minute.

A family friend let us borrow this tub of Legos for the week.
I’m not sure who had the most fun...
Was it Little Jack?

Or was it Uncle Jake??

Or perhaps it was Lizzie? Do you see how
she’d like to get in there to play, too?

So they constructed a Cat Mobile.
Her inverted hut provided a seat for her to ride.

A good time was had by all...

Take care,

Sunday, December 29, 2019

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year ~Christmas 2019 ~Now a Memory ~My Christmas Day Report

Christmas Morning...
The first time we had all been together for a year and a half.
We had a wonderful time catching up.

When Hubby went out to the airport
to meet the late flight on Christmas Eve,
Amy kept me company as
I prepared an overnight coffee cake.

When it was baking, we all checked
our stockings to see what Santa brought,
and then had a light breakfast.
We needed to save room for our traditional family
Christmas meal at Great Grandma’s House.

When someone is 90 years old,
it is okay to relax and just be the hostess
while your family does all the work!
My sister-in-law was there early
to take charge of the preparations.

And then, when we arrived, I made the gravy,
Emily and Jake mashed the potatoes,
and Hubby carved the Roast.

Great Grandma really enjoyed her company.

Her table was lovely...She used her best China.
Our family gifted her with this Winter Centerpiece.

Great Grandma lives a short walk from
one of the only sledding hills in town.

We all had fun being outside and working off
some of those extra holiday calories,
and breathing in some of that cool, crisp air!

I hope you all enjoyed plenty of good food
and some outdoor activities with your family and friends.

Take care,

Saturday, December 28, 2019

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year ~Christmas 2019 ~Now a Memory ~My Christmas Eve Report

Our much anticipated guests arrived...
Our grandson and his parents had
spent a couple of days with family in Minneapolis,
and then made the last leg of their trip to our home.

I had dinner in the oven...
After they were settled in,
we all enjoyed a sit-down meal together.

Earlier in the day, my final preparations
included baking everyone’s favorite holiday cookies.
It was worth every second of my time...

It turns out that Uncle Jake’s favorite Snowballs,
are also Jack’s delight.

Our evening was spent watching Monday Night Football.
The guys started here, and then moved out to the man cave.

Amy and I watched upstairs while
wrapping the rest of the gifts for under our tree.

The next morning, Christmas Eve morning,
Jack had his first breakfast of Yogurt.

Lizzie also wanted to get acquainted with this little human.

Jack’s Mama and I made a quick trip to
Starbucks and Target for some last minute needs.
Jack loves playing with cars,
so Grandpa’s Hot Wheels were a bit hit.
They didn’t even notice we were gone!

Then, Grandpa’s brunch, nap-time,
and dinner pre-preparations...
before heading to Christmas Eve services.

This Grandpa and Nana loved
having our family home for the holiday.

We all opened some gifts.
For Jack...
Something he wants,
Something he needs,
Something to wear,
Something to read.

Then it was time to hang our stockings,
and for little Jack to go to bed.

Hubby headed out to the airport
to collect daughter #2 and her husband.

Stay tuned for my Christmas Day report.
Take care,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year ~Christmas 2019 ~Where the Week Went ~Planning and Prepping

As I clean and organize the bedrooms & family room
I occasionally come across a few treasures...
like this precious photo.

This was what our Christmas looked like 26 years ago.
No, we women did not send out a memo to wear green,
And yes, our daughters are wearing matching,
home-sewn, Christmas Pantsuits.

I can’t wait to all be together again this Christmas!

While my days have been spent enjoying holiday preparations,
we do take a break to watch some Bison Football.

(I have yet to master the art of taking a bathroom selfie)

We all get into the Bison Football Spirit here.

My grocery list was so long it filled a legal pad.
I could not figure out why the supermarket was so busy...
and then I turned the corner into the liquor department.
It was their monthly Wine Sale, complete with samples!

I also enjoyed a little pampering for the holidays.
Thank you, Diane, for making me look young again!

This is why we are referred to as The Hub City.
A freight train is a frequent reminder to stop and just breathe.

This photo was in my Facebook Memories.
It is the last time I celebrated Christmas with my mom.
We had traveled to visit her at the Assisted Living Facility.
We brought a gift and some sweet treats.
She loved looking at the photos on my laptop
and I showed her how to take a selfie.

This photo, also in my Memories, is our old Farmhouse...
you remember that it was surrounded by water, but
we were able to drive out there over the ice.
This is before the vandals shot out all the windows
and broke in to steal precious family possessions.

While my Bison Tshirt is my Saturday attire,
this Tshirt is appropriate the week.
Hallmark Christmas Movies do help
to make the Season Bright.

I have also been having some fun in the kitchen.
I made a big roaster full of Party Mix
for those that like a Salty Snack.

And a big roaster full of Homemade Granola
for those that like a Healthy Sweet Snack.

There are a few more tasks on my ToDo List,
but Hubby and I are enjoying planning and preparing
to have our family all together...
in just a couple of days!

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Take care,

Friday, December 13, 2019

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year ~Christmas 2019 ~Countdown...10 days ~Memories of Christmas Past

Thank you, everyone, for your sweet comments on my last blog post.
Hubby and I are so excited to host Christmas
for our family this year. 
After my morning coffee,
I start working through my To Do List.

Check out this cute plastic plate and bowl
that I found at Walmart. I bought a set just so Jack
can have his own special place setting.

It coordinates with this little plate I found at Target
that he can use for breakfast and snacks.

I washed up all the Christmas kitchen towels
and included all of the Lefsa cloths,
just in case we girls get a chance to make a batch.

I gathered all of the Christmas napkins I could find
in my stash...some paper, some cloth.

I also brought my snowman dishes out of storage.
They are all here on the counter waiting to
run through a cycle in the dishwasher.

I have not used them for years. I forgot how cute they are!
Plus, snowman dishes can stay in my cupboard until spring.

This is another photo from Christmas Eve 2014.
This year, we will set another place for Jack!

Enjoy the Holiday Season.
Spend time with family and friends!

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...