Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~Introducing my Wraptor

On Friday I told you all that I kicked my 
walking boot to the back of my closet...
and in its place I wear this ankle device called
the Wraptor.

From a distance, most folks will think I am 
breaking all the rules of fashion 
and wearing black socks in the summer.

Also, I know you are thinking I made up that name,
Nope, right there on the package....

Very clever, indeed.
Pretty sure I could have sewn my own Wraptor
with the elastic, Velcro, and laces that 
I have in my sewing studio, for about one-tenth the cost.

Wraptor has allowed me to enjoy my routine again.
Every Wednesday, my best friend and I meet at
 Starbucks/Target for coffee and shopping.

Our Target route takes us past all the clearance end-caps.
If you’re wondering what was in those Target bags,
besides cleaning supplies and paper products...
Here are my best bargains today.
Did you notice my pink T-shirt in the first photo?
 I found another one in this color, more suitable for autumn.

If you like a Soy Candle for your kitchen,
check out the Clearance price on this one.

Remember last Wednesday I brought out my sewing machine.
So today, after finishing my house chores, I organized this project.

And after finishing her nap, Lizzie spent her time
watching for my hubby to come home from league golf.

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday.
Take care,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Where the Week Went ~Hubby’s Birthday Report ~Orthopedic Doctor Visit

We have had beautiful summer weather and we enjoy 
sitting out on the patio when hubby comes home from work.

Last weekend, we celebrated Hubby’s birthday
with our Friday Night Friends Group.

And we celebrated again the next night with family.
We had a delicious dinner and
we all took home a box for lunch the next day!

Probably, because we were saving room
for their complimentary Birthday Dessert.

This week our Facebook Newsfeed was filled 
with Back to School photos.
This is my Retired Teacher Photo that day...
at Physical Therapy.

However, if you missed our daughter’s Instagram Post,
this is our Grandson heading to Preschool.
My heart is melting!

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday?
I was in the mood to bring out my sewing machine...
Hubby was at League Golf,
so I had the whole day and evening to work on a project.

I saved the biggest news for last...
I had another four week Orthopedic checkup up this morning.

I can kiss this “bad boy” good bye!
I have been wearing this huge walking boot for nine weeks.
It feels good to put it away in the back of my closet.
I have graduated to a smaller, shorter ankle brace.

Partial credit goes to my at-home Physical Therapy Assistant
who provides support while I do my stretches and exercises.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Yay for Friday!

Take care,

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Celebrating Love with this Special Couple ~Happy Anniversary

It has been four years since our families and friends 
gathered on this hot, windy August day to join 
Emily and Jake on their special day.

It was a week full of fun and festivities!

In June, Hubby and I were blessed to spend a week 
visiting them in their home.
It warms my heart to know that 
they have such a loving, caring relationship.

Happy Anniversary to a very special couple.

Take care,

Monday, August 12, 2019

Someone Special Sunday ~Monday Memories ~A Visit from our Foreign Exchange Daughter

Every few years we are blessed to have a visit 
from one of the girls that lived with us for a school year.
You all remember Nellie...

...can you believe it has been seven years since 
this day when she arrived in our hometown airport?!

And here she is, sitting at our table again.
Another familiar face across from us, was Katie. 
She had many a meal with us while they were in high school.
It was also a pleasure to meet Jonas, 
Nellie’s boyfriend, who traveled with her from Denmark.

Since I am still not very handy in the kitchen,
 Hubby took charge of making his fabulous brunch.
Eggs, Toast, Bacon, and Hashbrowns...
he has perfected that technique so the hashbrowns are 
moist in the center and crispy on the outside.

Of course the girls had to recreate this photo
of their first outing together...
cheering on our Golden Eagle Football Team.

Their friendship was a match made in heaven, 
as Katie’s home was just across the street behind us.
 In the summertime you can barely see their driveway. 
But in the wintertime, Nellie could look out the window
and see when Katie’s car was there...
that meant she was home from dance!
Those nice neighbors behind us gave the girls permission
to run through their yard, between the houses,
to spend some time together.

Our time together went fast, and we said our goodbyes.
Nellie and Jonas have planned a side trip to 
vacation in the Black Hills and Mount Rushmore.

But first a parting gift...
Nellie brought some Danish candy.
By the way, this was one of my dad’s favorites!

Thanks for spending some time with us.

Take care,

Friday, August 2, 2019

Slow and Steady Wins the Race ~Where the Week Went ~Physical Therapy Report ~Lizzie’s First Selfie

A week has passed since I got the good news that I can now 
walk on my walking boot. Easier said, than done.
I don’t want to disappoint all of you, 
but I am not exactly dancing around the kitchen. 
Since I haven’t put any weight on my foot for over six weeks, 
it is pretty sore.

But I have enjoyed my re-gained independence.
I can take myself out and about,
 because my right leg is in great shape for driving!

I appreciate my Temporary Handicap Parking Hangtag.
It allows me to get close to the entrance.
First stop...the USPS, 
with a package for our family in Okinawa.

Stopping at Kesslers was a bit ambitious,
but I had to buy celery so I could make a pot of
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup. 
We’ve had some cooler weather, so it really hit the spot.

The next morning, my first physical therapy appointment.

I will be spending time in their pool
doing some water exercises...
which means I had to locate my  swimsuit.
(I had not worn it for years!)

It’s always good to get home again...

...and enjoy the beautiful weather out on our patio.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...