Wednesday, November 9, 2022

What’cha Workin’ on This Week ~A Pumpkin Walk ~A Trip to the Supermarket ~My Weekly Sanford Appointments ~Winter Weather ~Joelle News

Henry’s big brother had gone with his Preschool Class
on a Field Trip to a Pumpkin Patch.
Each child got a Pumpkin to take home and
Jack got one for his brother, too.

Henry has been known to take his special little
pumpkin along on their family walk.

Here in the Dakotas, we have said goodbye to our mild Fall Weather
and were greeted by this when we came out of the Supermarket.

I had nothing on my Monday Calendar so I tagged
along to Kesslers with Hubby.

If you know me well, you know that I love a nice grocery store…
The fresh produce, the display cases of meat, fish, and seafood.
I am curious about new products and enjoy
comparing Nutrition Labels.

This time of year, you can count on a member of the 
VFW Auxiliary with a handful of the Buddy Poppy Flowers
to give to those that make a small donation.

This Fall marks the 100th year for the
Official Memorial Flower of the US VFW

The VFW Auxiliary motto is 
“To honor the Dead by
Helping the Living.”

This tradition tugs at my heartstrings.
When I was growing up, once a week, my Mother would pick me after school
and we’d make the 20 minute drive to Devils Lake.
She’d drop me off at Piano Lessons and then she ran a couple of errands.
Our last stop, before heading home was the grocery store.
Every year, she would dig out some coins to drop in the canister
and then she’d attach a poppy to my coat.
She attached hers to her purse.

This was the view from our front door,
when we got home from the store.

This was our evening forecast on Monday.
There is more Winter Weather coming

We were up and out early Tuesday Morning,
as I had a 7:30 appointment at Sanford.
A train usually stressed me out when I was driving to school.
As you know, a long freight train often slows way down,
stops for a while, backs up, then goes again.
You just never know.
Should I wait? Or should I drive around to the overpass?

This time, the train moved through town at a pretty good pace
and I was at the Hospital with two minutes to spare.
PT went well, in fact, it went so well 
that the therapist added six new exercises.

On to the next appointment with enough time to sit quietly 
and relax. Not enough, apparently, as my Blood Pressure was still high.
Add another prescription to my list.

Joelle is a lucky girl, as her other set of grandparents
live just a four hour drive away.
This week she got to spend precious time
with Gramp and Gram.

Joelle’s parents enjoyed some meals prepared by Gram,
and they even got out alone, to go vote!

Last night we met friends for pizza,
so Hubby got another night off from his kitchen duties.

Today, an updated weather map. Check out all of those colors.
We live in the purple area,
and the prediction is for a half an inch of ice.

Notice there is a Blizzard warning just to the west.
That could affect us on Friday.

Meanwhile, this family is still enjoying
some nice weather, the beautiful fall foliage,

and a family walk after dinner.

Take care,

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