Sunday, April 14, 2024

Winefest Renaissance 2024 ~Here’s my Report

The Wine Renaissance was certainly a night to remember.
We had our booth set up early in the day so we could enjoy the event.

This is Wine Table #1 of eight.
Each table featured 10-12 different types of wine.
The food tables were sponsored by local restaurants,
 chefs, and caterers. They also poured a little sample
 of wine to pair with their tasty little bites.

Backgournd music greeted guests in the lobby
and set the mood for the silent auction.

Local artists shared their talents
with a collaborative painting…

…right there on full display, they finished the beautiful piece,
while we all watched in awe.

There were over 80 unique gifts and baskets
 on the silent auction table.
Hubby and I each had our eye on an item…

For me, this adorable Kate Spade purse.

Hubby was bidding on this neon sign for his ManCave.
Of course, we needed to tend to our own booth,
 and couldn’t keep up the watch.

Hubby’s hand turned trees received the most attention.

Here’s how my Americana display turned out.

And next to us? A booth by LaRue’s restaurant and bakery.
We got a behind the scenes look, along with plenty of tempting aromas.

These Steak Bites were oh, so tasty.

This was the view from our booth during the live auction.

And this is the finished piece of work by the Fischer’s,
which prompted a competitive bidding war…
…all in good fun.

All proceeds support the Boys and Girls Club Core Program Areas:
Character and Leadership Development
Education and Career Development 
Health and Life Skills
Arts and Sports
Fitness and Recreation

Make plans to attend Winefest Renaissance 2025

Take care,

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