Saturday, February 28, 2009

From Winter Storm to Spring Celebration

My hubby and I used just one vehicle yesterday, the Trail Blazer. Two car would have probably gotten stuck on our street and this is the pile of snow in front of my garage door. Do you think we can get by with just one vehicle till this melts? Probably not. This is our little bench right outside our front door. Might be awhile before we can sit there to enjoy the birds and flowers.

The Etsy team to which I belong has just launched a Spring Celebration. We each focus on creating 2-4 items for the Spring Season and we list them all in our shops last night and today. To see all the amazing creations, click this link in my side bar to the left.


PriviesAndPrims said...

I live in the mountains of NC and we get a couple inches. What's wrong with this picture??? :)

Have fun shoveling. What do the poor doggies do???


M said...

...just rain here...I sure don't miss the snow whe I see your photos!

I love all your new things on Etsy...and enjoyed seeing all the others. I wil post what I am working on now for the spring craft faire...on a much smaller scale than yours. I signed up for Etsy but never posted...where does all my time go?!

Attic Clutter said...

OH the etsy page was so fun to look at, you all do such nice work on the things you make..
I love your lime washclothes..I may get some .. I have that color in my bathroom and have bought several red cotton crochet'd dishclothes on ebay and really love them .
yup that crabcake was delish (:) thanks ..

Carol said...

WOW that's a lotta snow!!

jodi said...

The Etsy things are beautiful.

You did get a lot of snow. We are supposed to have snow showers this weekend or 4-5 inches of snow. Depends on who we listen to.

Renna said...

It looks like we're going to make it through the winter without a single snowfall. I am still holding out hope, though, since it did snow here last March 4th. I know that, not because I have such a great memory, but because I blogged about it! ;-Þ

I'm off to look at your pretties!

Anonymous said...

Wow- I should go snowboarding in Aberdeen with my sweet new board. Lincoln just got a bit of snow last night. A few inches-- it was crazy! haha. Talk to you later.

Suzanne said...

Loved looking at all the goodies in the Etsy shop. Talented people!

Wow, that snow is something. I think you were brave to go outside to take the pictures! Let's look at the bright side... Come spring your grass is going to be BRIGHT green!

Attic Clutter said...

''cats would not let me dress them!''
Oh that is funny...
Ya mine neither(:)

have a great Sunday
Love your cute banner ..
hugs, Patty

Anonymous said...

Hi Natalie,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my birthday giveaway. I just wanted to let you know that you posted your comment on my swaap goodies post...but no worries I enter you name to the giveaway. I didn't want you to come by to not see you name under the comments and think that I had forgotten you.
Looks like Spring is trying to come here to is cold but very sunny and my Spring flowers are just starting to peek up from the ground.
Have a great day. Oh, remember that you can come back once a day to enter for the giveaway until March 28th.

Alice said...

Wow, great pics of the snow! We are getting horrible wind here in lower Alabama.

Rosalie said...

Wow that's a lot of snow, it sure does look beautiful. But all that snow is not for me.


BittersweetPunkin said...

I heard the East Coast was going to get a big storm but I haven't heard from anyone back home...they are taking snow here in WA....I don't was warm and gorgeous...the birds were chirping!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...