Thursday, February 26, 2009

Things in my House Thursday XV

Since we are in the midst of a Winter Storm here, It think it is still OK to post about snowmen...I do have a collection. But today, I want you to see these...
The snowman holding the star is from my friend, Sherri, and the other from my friend, Mary.
Mary is an educational aide in the classroom next door to mine. She is a lovely lady. When she sees something with my name on it, she always buys it for me and says...'I bet your name is hard to find on personalized items'...
And she is so right! When I was a little girl, it bothered me that my name was not common...Now...I kinda like it...


jodi said...

That is so sweet of her to buy you those things with your name on it.

MSM said...

Wow; Mary is an awesome friend!

I never thought about your name being hard to find - that is special. Now every time I see personalized items I'm going to look for it!

Thanks for joining TIMHT!

M said...

Very cool snowmen for a day like today!

How nice to have a kind and thoughtful friend at work...all our aides are truly wonderful :) I have taught several Natalie's in my teaching career...never thought it was hard to find...I have NEVER found my name anywhere...I had to order a personalized little license plate....for my bike!

Renna said...

I have always adored snowmen. I can't look at them without smiling.

My name was always impossible to find on souveniers. My middle name of Gayle would pop up now and then, but I never liked my middle name when I was a kid. It's since grown comfortable to me. ;-)

Carol said...

Love them!!! Especially being a snowman fan! Very sweet of your friend to keep an eye out.

Never thought about it before but a collection with the common theme being one's name would be quite interesting.

Suzanne said...

Wow, that weather map below does look frightful. Your snowmen are adorable. I always had a hard time finding my name too... there are a lot of "Susan" but not "Suzanne."

Oakleaf Hollow Primitives said...

Cute snowmen, Natalie! And with your name on them? So neat!
I collect snowmen, too!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...