Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Housework ADD

Pretty sure I have it...
I have two personal leave days to use before the end of school.
This has never been a problem.  I've always used my personal days and also some at sub-deduct.
I've always had places to go...school programs,swim meets, xc meets, track meets, white coat ceremonies...

So...where was I?  Oh yes...using my personal leave...
Yesterday, I started several tasks...

There's something going on in every room of the house.
We all wash our own clothes around here...and I have about a month's worth...

With two cats...one can never vacume and dust too much.
And my new dishes...
I heart them.
They are in the dishwasher...and will need to have a cupboard shelf of their own.
My biggest project...the Pantry...
When it's organized, I love it.
But...too often, things are just stashed there, to get them out of sight...
And now, it's time to get to the bottom of what's in there!
Who wonders what the cats are doing when we are at work?

They're not always getting along, I'm afraid.

Sooo...The Housework ADD...
Pretty sure I've read blog posts from others who suspect they suffer, as well.
Would you like to start a support group?

Meanwhile...I plan to focus on one room at a time...


Lori P said...

Nice plan. Yes, I too am a sufferer. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, I don't suffer from it enough! LOL! Your home looks nice, even your pantry pre-oranization looks nicer than most peoples!

Have a good day!


Busy Bee Suz said...

This is contagious. I don't know if you caught it from me, or me from you!
Even not having a full time job, it affects me too.
So glad to see my cats are not the only ones to NOT get along all the time.

sweetiepie said...

I love having things clean and organized although I am not always able to do it myself. So, when you have finished with yours and you still feel the need to clean, you could come and do mine.

Take care, Natalie.

Oklahoma Granny said...

Funny that your post is the last one I'm reading this morning because I need to get to work on my own house. Cleaning and baking for the next couple of days. Then a big weekend.

After you finish your panty, want to do mine?

BlueRidge Boomer said...

I tryed to put "cleaning" on my four letter word list....NO Way could i make it fit...ugh!!


Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Natalie,
Thank you so much for visiting me at "Home is Where the Heart is". Its a pleasure to meet you!
I love your pillows on your header, did you make them?. My niece lived in South Dakota on the Lakota reservation with the Chief, (David Bald Eagle)and his family. She was working on the reservation teaching. I was a guest during her adoption into the tribe.
I had never been to Dakota, and I will never forget how very beautiful the sunsets are and how bright the moon. The moon was golden orange!. You live in a very lovely state.
We are just about the same age, I just turned 54 in March.
I have become a follower so I can keep up with you.
I will be cleaning too, two houses!! Its a lot of work moving and getting another one ready to rent out.
I hope Mom is feeling better she is a lovely lady! I really enjoyed seeing the home you grew up in.
Take care and hugs~Elizabeth

Attic Clutter said...

HI Natalie(:)
Love the sign, CATS and the pantry will be nice ..I have one too..
love it
its always full ..LOL
Thanks so much on my door ..I like em (:) Baked some banana bread today..my moms old recipe(has alittle vinegar in it.. one loaf I added som bluberries, topped it with marmelade and chunks of cream cheese before popping it into the oven...

Chatty Crone said...

Is your school system in debt there - ours is - my daughter is a teacher and things are a mess here in GA. sandie

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Oh girl, I'm right there with you! I think that's why I'm feeling a little stressed... I have too many little (and big) projects going on at once. Maybe in a couple of weeks when school is out I can finally accomplish something! =]

Cordwood Cabin said...

Ahh, the neverending pile of household chores! I love the laundry room's decor, with that cheery border and those classic signs (plus, of course, the photos of the household kitties).

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Up to good works! Your home is looking mightly nice! I love your sweet cats to! Thank you for visiting!

Esme said...

What pretty kitties-organization- not my forth-we had the exterminators here a couple of weeks ago that forced me to empty my pantry-I was shocked at what I found in there.

Tolentreasures said...

I, too, suffer from that problem, tear everything up and every room is a disaster, do the same thing out in the yard also. Crafter ADD, it just goes on and on.


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