Friday, May 14, 2010

TGIF & Is that the Sun?

Here in the Dakotas, we haven't seen sunshine since...oh, maybe sometime last April.
(Line says...two days before prom)
Today, when I woke up (shortly after 5 a.m.), it was so bright in the bedroom.
My first thought...O.M.G...I've overslept!
But, according to 'cell phone' time...I was OK...
I found it bright in the dining room, as well...
So...I stepped out the back door...onto the deck...
What a beautiful morning!
I had to check out the front door too...
More sunshine!
(And yes, that is a college girl's car in the driveway...
her last final is finished!!)
I actually wore my sunglasses
on my way to school today...
School?  You ask??
The Seniors are done in just two days...
The Juniors are done in three and a half days...
The rest are done in four and a half days...
Do you think anyone is there, actually anxious to learn??
So...when I came home today...
The Sunshine on our deck was calling me.
I just wanted to sit outside...
A little bit of sunshine goes a long ways to lift the spirits!

(And...Callie and Lucy think so, too.)


Unknown said...

Isn't it great to see the sun? Wishing you a sunny weekend, too!


Chatty Crone said...

Glad you got some much needed sun!

Do you have any studying going on at all? Doubt it.


Kathleen J. said...

What a pretty day. Hooray for sunshine!

Lori said...

Sunshine! Finally!! I was growing moss between my toes.

Joanie said...

Love the sun! Soon you can enjoy it every day, until August anyway!

Michelle said...

Yay! Sunshine is a good thing. We have two more weeks of school. I hope we all make it in one piece! Good luck!

Leaon Mary said...

Good morning merry sunshine!
Wishing you a bright weekend.

Kathy said...

I love the sun. I have a huge window next to my desk at work and I love that sun coming in.

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