Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things in my House Thursday ~ The Little Things that Make Me Smile

One of my best friends in elementary school was Karen. 
We loved to play at each other's house.  We loved to sleep over at each others house, too.
Karen's mom was like my second mom. 
Her name was Inger.
She grew up in Norway and came to America when she was 22.
Inger taught me how to to make krum kaka...and this poem... 
Thank God For Dirty Dishes
Author Unknown
Thank God for dirty dishes;
They have a tale to tell.
While others may go hungry,
We're eating very well.

With home, health, and happiness,
I shouldn't want to fuss;
By the stack of evidence,
God's been very good to us.

You the 60's, the mom made dinner and the children always...always did the dishes after the meal.
And yes, we would whine and complain.
Thus...the poem.
Growing up...we recited the poem every time we did the dishes.
When I had my own home, my mom gave this plaque to me for a gift.
I still display it proudly in my kitchen.
And I'm pretty sure if you asked either of my daughters to recite the poem...
...they could do so in their sleep!


Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, how I love this poem and this tradition as well!!!
Your Mom did good, and you did too.
Dirty dishes are a good thing!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I do hope your Mom is doing have all been in my thoughts.

Jan Hennings said...

Love the little poem :) I remember the days!

Unknown said...

Wonderful poem, and each dirt dish brings a blessing.

Suzanne said...

I've never heard that poem and it is delightful AND very true. We need that reminder occasionally, don't we? Thanks for reminding me. (I hope your mother is continuing to improve.)

Turley Times said...

That is a great poem! I will remember that the next time I grumble about doing dishes...with the help of the stinkin' dishwasher, no less! :)


Kathy said...

If we complained about doing the dishes, my dad would have one of us wash, dry and put away...then he would take them all out of the cabinet and have the next one rewash, redry and re put away....he has such a knack of getting his point across! :)

We also had that poem somewhere because I remember it well!

Carol said...

Great poem! I remember standing on a chair to do dishes.

Hope your Mother is doing well. :)

Happy Mother's Day to you both!


Kathleen J. said...

Love the poem. Now does anyone know one about laundry?

Keeping you in thoughts and prayers.

Oklahoma Granny said...

It was always my job to wash the dishes and my sister's job to dry them. Too bad we didn't know that poem back then.

Leaon Mary said...

How cute is that! ~ Love your memory as well as your poem.
I'll be looking at my dirty dishes with new eyes from now on.

Have a great day Natalie!!

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

I love this little plaque,, my girls would always complain and "get sick" when it was time for dishes,, lol.. I'd love to use your poem to make a sign to hang in my kitchen.

Michelle said...

I like the plaque! Just checking in, hope all is well your way!

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Ah, what a sweet, sweet story! It's so true too. We are so very blessed!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

I love that poem Natalie!

I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day and that your Mom is doing well!!

Lori said...

I stopped by your blog to say thanks for becoming a follower of mine! Your banner is just like mine on my blog--The Creative Cottage. Anyway, I love the 'washing dishes' poem and plan on creating a placque for my kitchen. Thanks for sharing such a great memory. I also am a child of the 60's and remember those days so well----and with fondness too. Have a wonderful day.

Tolentreasures said...

What a great poem. Brought back memories of many dishes in the 60's!

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