Thursday, August 5, 2010

Things in my House that Make me Smile

We have returned home.
Throughout June and July,
we helped mom
downsize... order to move from her apartment to an assisted living facility.
She has adjusted well, as you know from this previous post.
She refers to her new room as 'home'.
But there wasn't enough space in her new room for all of her possessions,
so many things were donated to others who could make good use of them.
And the rest was brought here...
yes...that's my side of the garage.
Her Kirby, her paper shredder, dishes, Revere ware, cooler,
Her cedar chest, blankets, bedding, towels,
note cards and stationary,
Lamps, holiday decorations, household and personal care products...
all here in our garage.
If you ask my hubby, he may have just backed the pickup into the Nearly New drop off site...
But... back to this...

Mom wore this on their wedding day.
June 16, 1946,
Yes, among all the things, in all the boxes,
there are treasures. 
Treasures like this pearl choker.
Worn on a very special day.
Now here, in our home.
Just one of those treasures that our family will cherish for a lifetime.

Take care,


Shell said...

Gorgeous necklace!

I know this must be hard for you and your mom!

My mom was NOT a saver! She liked new things,,,not old. On the other hand, my Grandma,,,,,my Oma saved EVERYTHING....

Most of the family "heirlooms" came from her when she too downsized. I got a bunch of her Fiesta ware,,,,a couple of old chairs, a tin of buttons,that she'd cut off old clothes! I STILL have all those things,,,,well, the buttons are getting sparse as I DO use them in crafting. But think of my Oma when I do!

Pictures. Pictures mean SO much to me! I love our old family images. The people that came before me,,the people that gave life to me, the old friends/old times! Gotta love 'em!

It's the items that stir our memories that are most important to me,,,not the value!!

Thanks for sharing!

And,,,,,I think you should wear your mom's necklace from time to time,,,,,don't "Save" it! Life is too short!!

Kathy said...

It is difficult when our parents need to move. We went through it many years ago and it was tough. There are so many things that mean so much and others that don't mean as much but are still special because they belonged to the person we love so much. I kept some of the strangest things of my moms....

The necklace is just lovely!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

You are so blessed to be able to help your Mom to move into a more suitable place. And to have the room to store her things, just in case. The necklace is beautiful but more importantly a treasured momento. It is priceless!

Unknown said...

What a lovely necklace with special memories. God bless her for adjusting so well. And it's nice you have her special treasures in storage.


vignette design said...

What a beautiful necklace! It is so hard when our aging parents must make changes in their lives to move into an assisted living situation. My aunt is going through that right now. It's a hard transition.

Susan Nowell @ My Place to Yours said...

Natalie, I haven't had to face this stage with my parents yet, but the day will come sooner rather than later. She is fortunate to have such a caring daughter to help her make the adjustment! I'm so glad you are finding treasures that will keep her close always...

Victoria said...

That necklace is beautiful! I love pearls:)

I hope your mom settles in, that's a big move to make but it sounds like she has lots of love and support:)

Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said...

Oh, I love your blog!
Thank you for sharing!

Blue Ridge Altered Art said...

That is something along with the picture that you will treasure for a lifetime. The items I have in my home that belonged to me are more special to me thank anything I could buy. ~~Sherry~~

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

It must be difficult situation for both mom & you and God bless to both of you and glad that both of you too could adjust well with the moving.

and by just looking at the photos, I see so many precious pretties in there.. what a heirloom!

any such a beautiful pearl necklace and very precious too!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a treasure indeed! I suppose she does not wear it much anymore.
I am so glad you have most of her things, Men just don't get the 'special' items that we need to keep!
take care, Suz

Olga Poltava said...

What a lovely necklace. And that's a beautiful photograph of your parents. God bless your Mom and help her to adjust in her new "home".

Lynette Killam said...

Such a lovely piece, Natalie. I know how difficult this last while has been for you, but you've handled it with style and grace as always. Thanks for sharing your photos and memories with us...the choker draped over the picture is charming. Your whole post made me smile...


Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

hi natalie ~

oh.......... *sigh*

it just breaks my heart to see all of your mother's possessions lined up in your garage. to think that she cherished each and every piece and can no longer accomodate them into her new just breaks my heart. however, you are now the caregiver to all things she loved, especially that VERY special pearl necklace. i love the story and her wedding day photo.




Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

I love pearls and your mom's are lovely!

I know your mom is blessed to have you help her with this transition in her life. She looks spunky - I'll bet she's a lot of fun.

My Colonial Home said...

What a wonderful post Natalie....I'm so happy your mother has adjusted to her new lifestyle...I think 'we' as the children get more upset at the prospect of them living away from their own 'home' more than they do.

I think at some point in the lives of our parents as they get older their minds adjust to the changes...and they accept them easier than we do.

LOVE THE GORGEOUS PEARLS....I hope you wear them every now and then.
I love seeing Pearls on women...they are soooo classy and even look good sporty!


Cordwood Cabin said...

It looks as if those left-behind treasures have found a good home! Speaking as one surrounded by "heirlooms" from previous generations, I know the value of those items and the importance of being their guardian!

Firecracker Kid said...

Well, your mother is a real trooper. Bless her heart. She'll be just fine:) She sure has alot of treasures and her wedding photo is adorable and truly an heirloom to be treasured by you.

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

How beautiful Natalie! I delight greatly in family treasures. How fortunate you are to have something so special. It looks beautiful right where you have it!

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