Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What'cha Workin' On Wednesday...

Now that we are settled into the routine of school,
it is time to bring out my fall and holiday fabrics to create
a collection of Infinity Scarves.

This is such a pretty piece on my cutting table.
(p.s. do you see Nellie working on her US History reading assignment?)

Happy Hump Day.
Take care,

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nellie's School Report ~ Week One

Nellie and I have been in school for a full week now.
Here she is with her student ID...
she is officially an American High School Student!

Nellie was a sweetheart to help me prepare my classroom.
Here is my 'ration' of supplies for the year!

We arranged my desks...I like two semi-circles.
It encourages student discussion and it is easier to supervise the students when they are working independently.
The center area is called "The Fish Bowl".
Guest speakers and students are welcomed to the "Fish Bowl" to present.

We also hung my posters, and prepared my textbooks for check-out.

The first day of school was beautiful.

The second day of school produced homework!

I hope you and your families are all having 
a great start to your school year.

Take care,

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Mail Call ...

It was an eventful summer...
After one of our summer out-of-town trips, we returned to a stack of mail which included this wonderful package.

I had won Ann's birthday giveaway.
She has fabulous handmade baskets in her Etsy shop.

The basket is lovely,
and Ann included a lovely handwritten note.

It's the perfect size for the important things on my nightstand.

Be sure to stop by Ann's blog and say "Hi".
And here's the link to her Etsy shop to see more of her handmade baskets.

Happy Back to School, everyone,

Take care,

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Nellie ~ Welcome to our Home...Welcome to our Family

We are pleased to introduce the newest member of our family.
This is Nellie, she has come to us from Denmark.
She will be our foreign exchange 'daughter' for the coming school year.

After Nellie arrived, our first priority was to register for classes...
so many interesting choices and not enough blocks in the day!
Our second priority...try the combination on her locker!!

The weather has been beautiful and a 'must-see' here...
Storybook Land and the Land of Oz.
(Did you know that L.Frank Baum lived in Aberdeen?)

Another important stop in Aberdeen, is our Twist Cone.
Ice cream cones, Italian Ice, Slushes, Twisters, Turtle Bars...
everyone seems to have a favorite.

Nellie has a great sense of fashion and I love her style.
She likes clothes and accessories...but, she loves Western Boots.
So, a trip to The Hitching Post was on our agenda!

Nellie, we welcome you to our home and into our family.
We are so happy that you are here!

Take care,

p.s. My month-long blog break was unintentional, and I appreciate those of you that sent messages of concern.
We have had a busy and joyful summer and I can't wait to share more about Amy's wedding and Emily's move to the East Coast.  And of course, more about Nellie's experience here!

It was a Warm Welcome Home from our Furry Friends

Mazzie says, “You’ve got some explaining to do… We have not seen you for two weeks!!” Yes, we were gone for two weeks… We spent 8 full days ...