Friday, December 14, 2012

TGIF ~ and Things in my House Thursday

I just love the lights on a Christmas Tree.
I turn them on as soon as I wake up in the morning...
and as soon as get home from school.

The tree in our living room is elegantly adorned with silver and gold.

In just 10 days our family will gather around this Christmas Tree
to celebrate the Joy of the Season.

Since we spend quite a bit of time in our family room,
we have Christmas Trees there, too.

I love the simplicity of lights, ribbon and beads...

Our favorite tree is this special little tree that displays
the Christmas decorations that have been given to us over the years...

This Aberdeen Collectable was a wedding gift in 1981...

My favorite ornaments are the one's that our daughters
 made in daycare over 20 years ago!

Enjoy the Holiday Season.

Take care


prims by olde lady morgan said...

Love it all! I too so like my lights on and so sad when it all comes down. Have a Wonderful Christmas! OLM

Kit said...

Looks so pretty! Have a lovely season. Kit

My Colonial Home said...

Oh Natalie your tree is so beautiful.
I also turn my tree on the first thing in the morning - such a serene look isn't it.

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