Thursday, December 6, 2012

Things in my House Thursday ~ Blending Family Traditions

Nellie's family sent a box of Christmas goodies, 
full of Danish Christmas Traditions.

Nellie has been opening these gifts 
when we three sit down at the dinner table.

"The calender candle is, just like a tape measure, provided with 24 markings, normally decorated with motives of fir trees . In most families the candles are lit every day from December 1st as a soothing factor in a hectic period, quite often at the breakfast table. Frequently it is the children's duty to blow out the candle before it burns down too far into the next date!"

Enjoy your own special 
family traditions this holiday season.

Take care,


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Lovely tradition. A reminder to slow down during this period when so many seem to be running frantic. Best wishes and happy holidays! Tammy

Firecracker Kid said...

That's so sweet and interesting to know. Nellie looks so happy :)


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