Saturday, August 23, 2014

TGIF & Where the Week Went...What's for Supper...and Episode 3 of Room by Room

It was "Back to School" for Students and Teachers.
...and let me tell you, morning seemed to come pretty early 
after spending a fun weekend in the cities.

We enjoyed visiting with family, but had to get on the road...
so we gathered grandma's things for our 5 hour drive home.

My faithful friend, Callie, has been good support during my early morning workouts.
But by day three, she looked like she wanted to go back to bed.

What's for Supper?
Grandma's cherry tomato plant has been good to us.

Plus, our Basil plant is thriving.

So it was time to make my 
Angel Hair Pasta with Tomatoes and Prosciutto.

If you would like the recipe,

And finally,
Room by Room, Episode 3
Our custodial staff did a fabulous job 
cleaning and waxing our rooms over the summer.

However, it is up to the teachers to prepare the room for students.
First things first.
Get rid of the rows and create two semi circles.
I think this helps build community and enourages class discussion.

In the fall, my first priority is to prepare my classroom for students.

(never mind that cord, 
it comes out of the ceiling tile to connect my computer to my Epson projector)

Posters are hung, boxes have been unpacked, 
curriculum materials are filed away.
Students arrived Tuesday, and we have discussed course descriptions,
classroom expectations, and we are well on our way into our first unit.

At the end of the day,my feet are killing me.
But I'm feeling good about the start to this school year.

Happy Weekend, everyone.

Take care,


Kit said...

First off, I am loving your shoes and your toes! So pretty. I like that you like to do up your classroom nicely. That is my most fun at this time. I went into my kitchen and lunch room this morn and put up the display case and put table covers on the tables. My floors were waxed too! I go in on Tuesday and students on Wed. Have a great year! Kit

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Natalie, first of all, Happy Belated birthday wishes to your hubby!

I would want my child to have you for a teacher. Look at your organized classroom! No details left undone, especially your pretty shoes and feet! Pretty pedicure! I always have the same color put on my toes. love that red!



Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...