Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday Memories ~The Family Farmstead, Then and Now ~~Possible Wedding Cupcakes ~~~Birthday Giveaway Reminder

Mom always took good care of the family's home.
This photo was was taken in the spring of 1994.
She had been freshly painted and the window frames were being repaired.

My dad had passed in 1988, but mom continued to live on the farm.
Mom hired someone to come to fix the roof after the slightest leak...
and repaired the foundation after the smallest crumble.
Those little people by this huge farmhouse are
Mom, her sister Enid, myself, Amy and Emily.

Did you notice the beautiful front porch?
Upstairs, you could go out onto that balcony to look over the country side.
When I was in high school, I would go out there to lie in the sun.
So much better than the modern day tanning beds, right?

And there's that shelterbelt I told you about.
My daddy made that investment in the early 70's.
I can remember going out there with a garden hoe 
to nurture those baby trees.

I have enjoyed the facebook messages from all of you 
about the house and all of the memories.
I also appreciate all of your support, 
as hubby and I work to salvage the precious keepsakes.
We have now brought back two pickup loads from the farm.

Here is the view from the smaller east porch.
You can see water on both sides of the road.

Here I am standing on the foundation of what used to be the barn.
Thank you GoPro for helping me capture the view.

And when I turn around...the old farmhouse.
You can see that when the lake was at it's highest level, this was under water.
And you also notice that hubby is gathering some barnwood...
He is building some flower boxes for our daughter's wedding, and this might be a good option?

Speaking of wedding planning...
We have a new bakery in town.
Grand opening is today!
Does anyone want to go cupcake tasting with me?!

Take care,

It is time for my annual birthday giveaway.
It started yesterday on my blog's birthday,
and will end on my birthday, the 23rd.
Just leave a comment on yesterday's post to be entered.

Scroll down to leave and comment to make sure you are entered.

1 comment:

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

What fun I have had visiting you blog today and catching up on your recent posts! That home is amazing and I can't imagine what it must have been like to visit there with your Grandparents and all the great times you must have shared. You were blessed!
Tina xo

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