Sunday, June 14, 2015

Proudly Display our Flag ~Remembering Grandma's Birthday ~~Happy Birthday to my Blog ~~~A Birthday Give Away

photo courtesy of Wikipedia
In the United StatesFlag Day is celebrated on June 14. 
It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States
which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.

I like to display my little flags in our 
flower pots in front of the house.

If my grandmother was living, this would be her 122 birthday.
This family reunion is so fondly remembered by all that attended.
Grandma is seated in the center, wearing a floral dress and pearls.

I am the fifth young child from the left.
You can see why we had so much fun?  
We had so many cousins close in age and we always played the best games.

You have seen this photo at the bottom of my blog.
Grandma Hilda (her middle name, Natalie) is in the center.

My very first blog post explains why I started this, 
7 years ago, on her birthday. always, I am having a birthday giveaway starting today.
Comment on this blog post.
I will draw for a winner on my birthday,
June 23.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

Take care,


Kathie said...

Wonderful memories...I always enjoy the photos and stories you share. Thanks, Natalie!!

Hi! I am LiLi! said...

My birthday is the day before yours. Happy birthday to us!

Unknown said...

What a lovely tribute - my grandmother's birthday was Flag Day too.

Danice G said...

Happy blog birthday to you. Love the photos of your family. I wish we had more old photos of our family. Happy birthday to you also :)

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

It was fun to read your first blog post. Love all the old pictures. Happy Blog Birthday!

The Rusty Thimble said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate you grandmother and your birthday, as well as
your blog birthday.

Anonymous said...

I've so enjoyed your posts and the tour of your family's farm! I'm so glad you and Scott were able to save pieces. What a treasure those will be!
Becky De Boer

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Happy "Blog" anniversary Natalie and Happy Birthday to your Grandma! I have missed seeing your posts over the last 18 months when I wasn't able to be on Blogger and indeed so many challenges were going on in my life that blogging was at the bottom of the long list I had in front of me, but I am glad to be finding the time to visit good blog friends again and so happy to find you well. Take care, have a wonderful day and I will be back to check for new posts more often now!
Love Tina xo

Pamela said...

Happy Blogaversary!!!! What a wonderful tribute to your grandma and what a beautiful farmhouse!
and Happy Birthday to you too!!! Enjoy!

Happy Happy Birthday, Emily

Today we celebrate the Birthday of our second born daughter, the baby that that made our family complete. A happy little girl, Smart and a l...