Thursday, March 23, 2017

Things in my Classroom Thursday ~The Little Things that Make Me Smile what I will miss when I retire.

Take care,

p.s. Here's the Rest of the Story...
#1 The Pizza Bites lab has always been a favorite with our students.
#2 Students are not allowed to wear hats or their hoods in school.
Breaking the rules...Why does being bad, feel so good?
#3 It was a great start to my Thursday Morning!


Lori said...

Chuckling! I call it a hoodie picture!

Kit said...

This looks like my kids at Willard. Got to love them! :) Kit

Yay for Friday ~Where the Week Went ~Spring Cleaning ~Woodshop Creations

“Spring is in the Air” And Spring Cleaning is on my Agenda. It feels so good to let the fresh air and sunshine in, And clear all dust bunnie...