Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh, So Pretty...

While 18 inches of snow creates a major inconvenience...
It makes for a beautiful drive across the countryside.
Take care,


Busy Bee Suz said...


Deanna said...

There's nothing lovelier than huge pine trees with snow on their boughs.

Deanna :D

Lori said...

I have a jaded eye, I just see snow! More snow coming this weekend, but the weather says we are right where its going to be the deepest. Unless it goes to the north and hits you! I vote for the storm just wimping out before it gets here.

Yay for Friday ~Where the Week Went ~Spring Cleaning ~Woodshop Creations

“Spring is in the Air” And Spring Cleaning is on my Agenda. It feels so good to let the fresh air and sunshine in, And clear all dust bunnie...