Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What ch'a Workin' on Wednesday?

My job is amazing.

99% of the time I am surrounded by students who are 
loving school...
loving life...
and looking toward their future.

This week, I am spending extra time to correct papers
and enter grades at night...

Yes, it is time for Term 3 Parent Teacher Conferences.

While tomorrow is a 14 hour work day,
I know that sometime in the near future,
I will have a day off to compensate for my time.

And I am quite sure it will be blog worthy!
(Stay tuned!!)

Take care,

p.s.  a recipe for our Ham Fried Rice 
is available here.


Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

What ever the girls are cooking in the pan looks yummy!
After all those papers to grade and conferences ~ I think you need a day off too!
I think the biggest satisfaction would be that you will make a difference in some of their lives.
Prim Blessings

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Hey Natalie! I hope you are doing well and loving life also! Things around here are still kind of in a state of upheaval and I yearn for the day when it will all finally fall into place and I will feel a little more centered.
Write when you get the chance and don't forget to make time for Natalie!!!
Tina xo

Oklahoma Granny said...

I just know your students look forward to your class everyday.

dee begg said...


It's so energizing to be surrounded by positive, vibrant young are indeed lucky some days. Now the grading papers and 14 hr work day...that's a big yuck.

Have a great day.


M said...

Are all the studetns there are cute as the ones you post?!
Happy Wednesday....14 hour day? Yikes!

Kit said...

We had parent teacher conferences today. I feel for all my teachers, they work so hard and a lot of late hours. You guys are my heros! Kit

My Colonial Home said...

Morning Natalie...I love your photo...very nice.
The girls look like they are really enjoying themselves.

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