Saturday, March 31, 2012

Zion Marketplace Today...10 am to 3 pm

photo from Zion Lutheran Church webpage

Zion Lutheran Church
1732 South Main Street 
is hosting a fundraiser for our members 
that are participating in the National Youth Convention.

There are 19 vendors 
displaying a variety of items to purchase
for Easter, Mothers Day and Graduation gifts.

Homemade Caramel Rolls are on the menu this morning...
The youth are serving Walking Tacos for Lunch.
(stop back later to learn more about the walking taco)

We have a Tins and Treasures booth.
20% of our sales will be donated to the youth.

The church will be open from 10 to 3.
We hope to see you there.

Take care

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday & To Host or Not to Host

We are well into the 3rd week of our 4th term of school.
I am thoroughly enjoying my classes and my students.
Here's Adrian with a Basic Foods favorite.
The recipe for Cheesy Pizza Bites can be found here

Adrian is from Germany...he is one of several foreign exchange students at Central this year.
He is outgoing and friendly and I have enjoyed getting to know him.

...and speaking of foreign exchange students,
it is that time of year, when coordinators are looking for host families.

And, again, we have been asked to host a young lady in our home.

Over the years, my life has been enriched by the young men and women who have chosen to spend a year here in our country. I cannot imagine leaving my own family and friends to spend a whole year in a strange place.

And so, again,
we sit on the fence.

If you are asked to be a host family,
It is important to ask a lot of questions, as it is difficult to tell from a simple application form what a person is like. (After all, anyone can fill out the application form)

We feel like we can offer an opportunity for a young person to experience life with an American family, and to attend school in one of the newest and best high schools in our state.
(However, we found that some students are here to be on a vacation from school
and just want the opportunity to travel)

Since both of our daughters will be living a considerable distance from home, 
an exchange student would find our home quiet, perhaps boring...
she would never meet her host sisters...and this makes me sad.
But...she would have the individual, undivided attention of my hubby and me!

We have time, we have a place in our home...
But, we have unanswered questions...

Take care,

Monday, March 26, 2012

Celebration with our Good Family Friends...

Yesterday, hubby and I were invited to join our good family friends in celebrating the First Communion for their youngest daughter.

This friendship goes way back. 
Alan and my hubby have been friends since about 1980 
when they were in college marching band together.

Here are all of our 5th graders with Lynn, the First Communion Teacher.
(She was teaching these classes when our girls were in the 5th grade...
and, we appreciate her years of service to our youth.)

Congratulations to Lexi on this special day.

Take care,

p.s. I have upload this photo four times in the upright position and blogger keeps flipping it over on it's side...
does anyone else ever have this problem?!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Weekend & Sew Much to do Saturday...

I'm not complainin'...I'm just sayin'...
This felt like the longest week...ever!
We were so ready for some "Happy Hour Jazz"...

Our 'boys' had the night off, as the college guys were playing the gig at Tapz...
I think they enjoyed just relaxing on a Friday night!

And...Pat and I enjoyed having some dinner out
with our hubbies!

Central Shirts...Anyone??
This morning I did some serious On-Line Rummage Sale Re-Arranging...
The site has grown to 3,899 Community Members and some of the clothing albums have gotten very large...almost unmanageable...
So, I spent time reposting our photos into albums that are broken down by size...

The Zion Marketplace
Our church youth group is fundraising for their trip to their National Convention.
Next weekend, they are hosting a Shopping Experience in our Fellowship Hall.

The youth will be selling Walking Tacos for lunch...
...while members of the congregation will set up booths to sell items, with a percentage of sales going to the youth group.

Along with Tupperware, Avon, Norwex and Mary Kay,
We were invited to participate...

Since the only Show we 'do' is Winterfest, 
I wasn't sure that we'd have enough inventory without our usual Santas and Snowmen...

Ummm...No Problem!
I set up a makeshift table in the living room here...
and yes, we have more than enough spring items to fill our booth.
In addition to my Prim items...

I have Baby Beanies...

...and Infinity Scarves.
I think I will display the extras in my mom's vintage suitcases...
What do you think?

Lillie, my new Vintage Dress form, will make her debut 
at the Zion Marketplace...
featuring print chiffon scarves for spring and summer!

If you live near here, you should stop by!

Take care,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday Mania; Where the Weekend Went; a Blog Feature; Spring Scarves; & a Sure Sign of Spring

You all must know how hard it is to go back to work after a little vacation...
Well, the best part of my Monday morning was removing the aroma seal from a fresh canister of coffee.
There is nothing that can top that aroma!

My Spring Break included a little road trip with our girls to Minneapolis...
this has become an annual excursion for our family.

This is what it looks like driving in South Dakota.
Yes, it is flat here in the eastern part of the state...
and No, there are not very many cars on the Interstate.

We went to a restaurant in the Mall of America called Crave.
Here, I tasted my first Sushi... 

Our Hotel was downtown, as our main mission was to be together...
and to shop...and to eat...

We were caught up in the St. Patty's Day Parade...
There were lots of people and lots of very large dogs along Nicolette Mall!

I loved every minute of our time together...

Back here in the real world...
It was back to school,
It made my day to see my Tins and Treasures shop
 featured on our Etsy PAFA team blog.

While riding in the car, I was able to make the finishing hand-stitches on several new Infinity Scarves for Spring. They are now listed in my Etsy Shop.

While out on the patio...taking photos for my shop...
there she was...on the neighbor's lawn...

...yes...the first official sign of spring...

Where did you spot your first robin?

Take care,

Friday, March 16, 2012

Lovin' this Spring Break Weather...the difference a year can make

Spring Break 2012...
...looking down our sidewalk from the end of our driveway.
(Do you notice the neighbor girl is wearing shorts?)

Spring Break 2011...
...looking down our sidewalk from the end of our driveway.

Enjoy the warm sunshine, everyone.
Take care,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dear Emily

Twenty three years ago today,
this sweet little baby girl came into this world and made our family complete.
Here she is ready to leave the hospital at 2 days old.

1st birthday
Our family birthday parties always included good food, 
birthday cake, and gifts...given from the heart.

2nd birthday
We have this little chair that was made by great grandpa.
The birthday girl always sat in the chair for a picture and to open gifts.

3rd birthday
Who remembers the Magna Doodle? 

And Grandma's handmade dolls??

4th birthday
We've always used the same white milk-glass cake plate 
to celebrate our family's special days...

5th birthday
During the preschool years, our family still gathered in our home for the tradition of good food, 
birthday cake, and gifts...given from the heart.
And during those younger years, the class parties 
were held at Hardees...McDonalds...and the Ramkota Inn...
(Emily, remember the two boys in the back...standing by your sister?)
Those are the boys that both wanted to marry you.)

And this year, the family tradition continues...
good food, chocolate cake and gifts...given from the heart.
 It was nice to have you home last weekend 
to celebrate your birthday.
Grandma enjoyed preparing the birthday dinner of roast, 
mashed potatoes and gravy,
and of course, chocolate cake!

Best wishes to you today,
on this special day!

Love, Mom and Dad

Saturday, March 3, 2012

To Mantorville ~ Friday's Finds (story continued)

To Mantorville!
Hubby and I were on a self guided tour through the antique stores of Rochester, when one of the store's proprietors suggested we take a drive out to Mantorville.

The little town of Mantorville is on the National Registry of Historic Places.
A couple of antique old brewery...a chocolate shop...

And the recommendation for lunch 
was this quaint little place called the Hubbell House...

...beverages and a good lunch provide sustenance
for the afternoon.

Just one more little stop...

Thread storage cool...
and I think I could fill it with my stash of spools!

But it wasn't until later when we found the dress form...

She was in the corner...wearing a skirt, a blouse and a hat...
I'm not so sure that the store owner wanted to part with her.
However, we were able to convince her that 

Happy Junkin'
Happy Weekend, everyone.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...