Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Whatcha' Workin' on Wednesday...

Since my accident and wrist surgery,
anything in my studio appears to be work.
But one has to start somewhere.
Recently, I have tried a bit of crochet....

These all sold out at our local winter arts festival,
so I have been creating more, in fresh spring colors...
to be listed in my Etsy shop and featured in our next OFG celebration.
(stay tuned!)

But first things first.
A teacher is the most busy at the beginning of a school term...
introducing new courses, learning student names, 
checking out books, discussing classroom expectations.

Not to mention, correcting and calculating grades from the previous term.
This was the scene in our hotel room on our recent 'vacation' to Minnesota.
And.. nearly.. every.. day.. at.. home.. since!!

So, after a few hours of 'homework' tonight,
I am enjoying a bit of time 'creating'.

Take care,


Firecracker Kid said...

I love the colors of the scarves in your first photo. This style is nice.
Homework on vacation? Now Natalie :)

The Moonlit Stitch said...

Yep. All the teachers I know carry their homework around with them to grade. Have never seen those scarves before - nice to see something new - they are great! ~*~Lisa

Yay for Friday ~Where the Week Went ~Spring Cleaning ~Woodshop Creations

“Spring is in the Air” And Spring Cleaning is on my Agenda. It feels so good to let the fresh air and sunshine in, And clear all dust bunnie...