Sunday, February 8, 2015

Where the Week Went...and Remembering Mom on the Day she Went to her Heavenly Home.

Like nearly every one else, we were invited to 
watch the Super Bowl with good friends.

Awesome food...close game...

and entertaining half-time show.

Monday morning came way too fast, but it was much easier to get out of bed 
knowing we had a great plan for first block.

Remember Mr. Hansen? 
He teaches and coaches at our high school.

Every couple of years, his planning period coincides with my foods class.
We enjoy having him come in to demonstrate.

It's also so important for the students to hear about how he does the cooking in their family.
Gender stereotyping...dissolved.

While he has mastered many entrees that are far more complicated,
this day was all about Toad in the Hole.

So simple...but a perfect snack, day or night.

And then the students went out to their labs to each make their own.

Sweet freshman girls used a heart shaped cookie cutter 
to make one for me!
It was a great start to a long week.

Many of you remember that my mom fell at her assisted living facility, 
two years ago on January 28th.
She had a fractured hip and required surgery.
She suffered a stroke the day after...and died a few days later.

When a parent passes away, we know that this is the natural progression,
but it's not easy. I will always be thinking about her this first week of February.

Remember this poem...
My mom had written her own obituary,
and it was tucked inside.

Mom and Grammy,
We miss you.

Take care,


Margs Primitive Quilts said...

Dear Nathalie... I'm sorry for your loss. We always will miss our cherished Mothers. It was two years on January 20 th that my cherished Mother passed away, also from a stroke. It hasn't been easy, some days are very hard...but she's not suffering and for that I am grateful. We loved them for a long time and I know we will miss them for a long time too. May you find comfort in the wonderful memories you have of her with your family. Remember to take day at a time.
Hugs Marg.

dee begg said...


Oh my! I am so sorry to read of your mom's passing. I always enjoyed your posts regarding her exploits. She seemed so spunky. Great to see that you are still teaching "home ec" to the kids. They sure do need someone to teach them to cook.


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