Thursday, April 21, 2016

Things in my House Thursday...Sunshine!

I love to feel the warmth of the sun after a long, dreary winter.

The sun was shining brightly on our patio. 
The breeze is still too chilly to sit outside, but I look forward to May 
when hubby and I can sit out on the patio after work.

Would you like to see what is on my plate rack this spring?
This is the top tier...

Middle tier...

and the bottom tier.
Little chickies basking in the sunshine.

Sunshine on my vintage dress form...

Sunshine on my Target bear...

Sunshine on my spring rabbit...

Sunshine on my coffee table...

and Sunshine on my kitchen window sill.
Goodness, I can't wait until school is out and 
I can clean the screens and wash the windows!

We all know how much cats love a patch of sunshine.

It's tough to get a good picture of Lucy.

Callie is a bit more photogenic!

Thank you, Kelly, for this sweet card.

I hope you are all enjoying a little sunshine this spring!

Take care, 

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