Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What'cha Workin' On Wednesday ~Well, It's About School Right Now ~~But, I Can't Help Think About Vacation...

Just twenty-two days of school left...
but, who's counting?!

So much curriculum, so little time,
and we can't let spring fever slow the pace!

This week, in my Foods class, we are cooking with grains...
homemade macaroni and cheese.
This is just the best recipe, 
I can't believe I haven't posted it on my cooking blog.
I'll have to take care of that!

In my CTE Fashion class, students are learning to knit.
They have found yarns in fun spring colors to make Infinity Scarves.
We focused on learning the knit stitch last week...
all 36 students mastered the technique in two days.
Already, five students have finished their scarves!

Enough about school.
Later this spring, hubby and I are taking the trip of our lifetime.
This past weekend we did a little shopping.
I was looking for a spring jacket, with a hood, and this was a great find.

I already had the scarf at home...
I think it adds a nice pop of color!

Rain or Shine...
I am ready to visit The Queen!

Take care,

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