Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Dream Vacation ~The Full Story ~Day Two: Bath ~~More to See ~And a Quick Stop in Oxford

When planning a dream vacation, plan to spend a day in Bath.
We had toured the Roman Baths and Bath Abbey,
and there was still more to see.

My tour guides have a little secret to success.
They use Trip Advisor to find the local attractions
and the best restaurants.
They use the "Pay to Park" lots and then 
Google Maps to find the best route to walk to our destination.

It crosses the River Avon and was built in 1774.

This historic, most romantic bridge in Europe 
has shops lining both sides of the street.

I could have spent the afternoon window shopping here!

But there was so much more to see...

Another famous landmark in Bath is the Circus.
This impressive site has three curved segments of townhouses,

arranged in a circular shape.  

These were also built in the 1700s.
The ornate architecture is just spectacular.

But, we needed to stick to a schedule...
(It was a three and a half hour drive home,
and we couldn't be tardy, as I needed a base pass.)
So, a quick stop in Oxford.
google image
JimBob's Baguettes was about halfway home,
and a perfect stop for a quick lunch.

Oxford is a city bustling with young University students,
but also a showcase for the historic Oxford Castle.

So much to see...
so little time.

Then we were back in the car, 
heading home to Amy and Nick's.

Take care,

1 comment:

Kit said...

Love the photos! Looks like there is tons to see. So hard to know just what. Your guides were awesome!:) Kit

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