Monday, June 13, 2016

Dream Vacation ~The Full Story ~~Day Two: The Roman Baths Museum

Here's a little peek at the day's itinerary.

I slept like a baby in my luxurious room at the
Here is my morning view...

Yes, I was certainly #livingthedream.

For breakfast, there was a beautiful assortment of fresh fruit,
croissants, granola, dates and figs.
And for my entree, I ordered the grilled Kippers.
(After all, this dream vacation was a once in a lifetime experience,
and I wanted the full British experience.)

I also enjoyed a perfectly poached egg with buttered toast.

The city of Bath was a half an hour drive from our hotel.

The Roman Baths Museum was a highlight.

My tour guides...also taking photos.

Our tour took us behind the scenes...

Thank you, Amy and Nick for planning this day...

It was magnificent.

While our weather was chilly and rainy,
I have the warmest memories of the time I spent 
touring the English Countryside with our daughter and son-in-law.

Take care,

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