Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Blog Worthy in my Life ~Where the Time Goes ~This Retired Teacher's Report

Two weeks have passed since my last blog post.
Where has the time gone?

Thank goodness I snap a photo everyday, 
to remind me of the blogworthy in my life. favorite season.
I shall miss the warmth of Sunshine on my Shoulders.

And, I am not alone.

Winterfest Applications were due.
I delivered mine, in person, to the Arts Council office.
I like the excuse to return to this old building.

For twenty-five+ years, I parked in this parking lot and
walked into the Old Central High School.

Oh, how I miss that Home Economics department.
It was fabulous.

With my Winterfest Application in the hands of the Committee,
it is time to go into crafting overdrive.
I am currently working on a new batch of these wine bottle giftbags.

The garage project continues,
cleaning, sorting, and organizing the storage area.
I have discarded the out-dated curriculum guides,
and these binders remain.

Does anyone need one?

Certainly a highlight, are the trips we make to Fargo to
visit my Alma Mater.

We enjoy a little tailgating at hubby's favorite

And then, at my favorite tailgating spot,
with my Kappa Delta Sisters.

There is not a bad seat in the dome.
Sometimes our seats are in the rafters.

However, after halftime,
we can often find available seats much closer to the field.

So close, it feels like we are a part of the play!

"Sunday Funday"
The new mancave has become our favorite place to watch
our favorite professional teams...
the Vikings, the Eagles, the Patriots...
and of course the Minnesota Twins.

Football Snacks for Everyone!

Then we discovered this!

My parents both celebrated their birthdays in September.
My dad would have turned 99 on Sept. 28th.

My mother would have been 97 on September 23rd.
This year, of course, they celebrated their birthdays 
together again in heaven.

This photo appeared in my newsfeed this week.
One cannot turn on a tv without hearing 
news about North Korea.

Please keep our military and their families
in your thoughts and prayers.

Take care,


pam said...

It sounds like you are enjoying your retirement.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Natalie, What a beautiful post. Some lovely moments and some very sentimental moments for you.
I love seeing life from your point of view in such a different point of our country.....but, no matter what, we are patriots and we love our country. :) I'm glad to see that you and your husband are enjoying your time. ( the cats too!!) The man cave looks lovely.
And September birthdays are always an adventure. LOL!!!
Take care my friend.

Welcome March ~What‘cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~the Little Things that Make me Smile

It’s been nearly a week since we said Hello to March. She came in like a gentle Lamb, however a couple days later, Mother Nature had other i...