Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Countdown to Winterfest 2017 ~Three days ~Holiday Critters are Ready and Waiting

Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday.
The decorations are few and far between.
These stuffed turkeys are one of my favorite.

This year I have a "thing" for the safety pins
that I rusted.
It holds Tom Turkey's shawl in place.

Shake those tail feathers!

This is how they looked a month ago...

I love how they take on a personality when they are finished.

The Wise Old Owls are also priced, packed, and ready to go.

This is what they looked like the last time you saw them.
They look a lot smarter now, don't they?!

And in this box...
Oh wait, Lucy is not for sale.
She is priceless!

Take care,

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