Thursday, December 28, 2017

Was Santa Good to You?

It depends on who you ask.

Perhaps you all saw this meme on Facebook?

Many women commented that they would not 
be so pleased if there was a vacuum cleaner under the tree!

But then, there's the Roomba.
That is a different story!

The Roomba is not an ordinary vacuum cleaner.
Roomba is a Robot!

Plus, combine the Roomba with a couple of cats,
and you have reached a whole new level of entertainment at home!

"Seriously, did you see that?"

Watching where Roomba goes next is more
entertaining than most morning television.

We think it is safe to sit in the stairway...

...or up on a stool. 
"Maybe if I pretend to be sleeping, it will go to sleep itself?"

"I think we better get used to this 
as our human seems to really like her Roomba!"

Take care,

1 comment:

wickedfaerie said...

Hi Natalie,

Looks like a wonderful Christmas, just caught up on your blog. Love those plates. I always wondered if those rumba's worked well, that would drive my cats and dogs crazy.

Have a wonderful New Year.


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