Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas 2017 with our Friends and Family ~Here is my Report

Christmas Eve Eve

These newlyweds were home for the weekend.

We empty nesters were happy to be included in their
family holiday meal & football watch party.


However, the star of the show was this Prime Rib...

...roasted to perfection.

Twice Baked Potatoes...my contribution to the meal.

Fresh Green Beans completed the menu.

Winning the game makes everyone happy.

Thanks for the great Kick-off
to the holiday weekend.

Christmas Eve

We attended the evening worship service.
I was one of the scripture readers, 
stationed in the balcony, so was able to take these photos.
My favorite part of the service is when the congregation
sings Silent Night by candlelight.

Here are my friends and talented musicians,
Sonya and Sue,
playing an upbeat postlude to send us on our way.

Meanwhile, at home, the table was set.

We gathered for Chicken Wild Rice Soup,
bread, meat, and cheese.

A highlight of our evening was FaceTime with
both of our daughters and their husbands.

There were presents for everyone.

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

Christmas Morning

Santa still visits these empty nesters.
Combined age of those vintage stockings... 118 years.

Christmas Day
Traditional dinner at Grandma's.
Do you see her photobombing us in the mirror?!

I hope you all enjoyed time with your
family and friends this Christmas.

Take care,

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