Friday, June 29, 2018

Journey to Meet our Grandson Part II ~Trip to Las Vegas ~All of a Sudden it was our Last Day

We spent a week in Las Vegas with our daughter, 
her hubby, and our grandson.
My hubby and I enjoyed every minute we spent 
with them and the precious baby boy.

Baby Jack tells the best stories...

He can certainly entertain his Papa!

We had brunch with one of Amy’s friends.
Jack is also very good at charming the little ladies!

While Baby Jack and his Mama 
went back to the suite for nap time, 
my hubby wanted to find a place to watch some golf.
 I guess this place will do!

We enjoyed a beverage, some loaded chips, 
and watched Brooks Koepka win the U.S. Open.

It was time to say goodbye to the traffic on The Strip.

And the tropical trees and warm sun of Nevada.
(Remember, it is a dry heat!)

But it was NOT goodbye to Baby Jack.
His daddy had to return home for work, 
but he and his mama 
were coming home with us for a visit!

Jack is such a little trooper 
when he is traveling.

We couldn’t be happier!

We are Blessed.

Take care,

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Las Vegas Trip ~How we Celebrated Father’s Day

It was a special Father’s Day, indeed. 
It was the first for Jack’s Daddy.
While my hubby has celebrated three decades of Father’s Days,
this was his first time to accept the role of grandfather.

Not to mention, he got to celebrate the day
with his first-born daughter!

Since it is was all about the fathers, 
Nick made the plan for our day. 
It was no surprise that it involved golf.

The players register on the computer.

Jack and I were the spectators.

In between turns, daddy enjoyed some baby snuggles.

Isn’t technology amazing?!
The golfers hit the ball...

And a computer chip tracks each ball, 
and gives you feedback on the screen.

There are three levels of golfers, working on their swing.

Back at the hotel,
Baby Jack entertained us all with his kicks, smiles, 
and babbling conversation.
A good time was had by all!

We are Blessed.

Take care,

Monday, June 25, 2018

Journey to Meet our Grandson Part II ~Las Vegas Trip Continued ~The Main Event

We are so proud of these two.
Our Son-in-Law is a member of an elite group of airmen 
that have been selected to attend Weapons School 
at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas.

It takes a lot of hard work and determination, 
and Nick graduated with “flying colors”.
Some of you remember when we attended
 that graduation ceremony 18 months ago.

This time, we were there to celebrate the 
40th reunion of the Weapons School.

A picture is worth 1,000 words...
This mama had a baby just 13 weeks ago, 
and looks simply stunning as she poses in her pretty cocktail dress...
along side the baby’s changing station!

This Nana and Papa were there to take care of baby Jack 
while his Mama and Daddy spent the evening 
with good friends, attending the special ceremonies.

Thank you, all of you, for your service.

We are Blessed.

Take care,

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Journey to Meet Our Grandson Part II ~Las Vegas Trip Continued

This Nana and Papa are certainly enjoying time 
with family and getting to know our grandson.

The Hilton Grand Vacations Club is family friendly.
There is no casino...and no smoking.
A must, when you travel with an infant.

Baby Jack says, “I could get used to this!”

It is easy to get around...
to the pool, 
to the marketplace, 
to the fitness center, 
and to the lobby.

Hubby and I are so happy we could travel here 
to babysit while Amy & Nick 
attend their special events.

Full tummy and clean diaper...
down for a snooze.

But not before plenty of smiles from Baby Jack.

We are blessed.

Take care,

Friday, June 15, 2018

Journey to Meet our Grandson Part II ~Trip to Las Vegas

Hubby and I were invited to meet our family
in Vegas for a week. We agreed to share one checked bag.
His side was full of clothes & shoes.
Mine, on the other hand was filled with a cat.

We came for some fun in the sun.
But, more importantly, to babysit our grandson 
when our daughter and her hubby attended 
school reunion celebrations.

We had enough time for breakfast 
on our three hour lay-over in Minneapolis.

And then we were on our way again.

After taking two shuttles to the car rental place,
Standing in line for an hour,
We made it to our hotel.

We arrived a couple of hours ahead of the others,
So we enjoyed a quick lunch at the poolside bar.

We shared some very yummy fish tacos.

With chips and guacamole.

That special moment when Papa Scott met our grandson.
He fed him...

...and enjoyed some conversation.
Jack had so many stories to tell.

We are blessed.

Take care,

Monday, June 11, 2018

Monday Mania & Where the Weekend Went ~Preparing for Baby Jack’s Visit to our Home

Most of you know that I have been home for a few weeks.
Since her hubby was gone, Amy and Jack drove me into Naha city.

We allowed plenty of time for our trip to the airport,
as it was the start of a holiday week in Japan.

I held Jack one more time 
while his mama got ready.

You can see trip itinerary,
my purse, and a quick breakfast.

This was my ride home.

The twelve and a half hour trip took me 
right over my final destination!
However, we were heading to Chicago,
and then, after a layover, I flew back to Fargo.

At home, the cats wondered where I had been.
They helped me sort the mail pile.

We celebrated Mother’s Day with MIL & SIL.
This package arrived via the usps.

This beautiful scarf was in that package.
Thank you, Emily and Jake.

I got up early the next weekend to watch the Royal Wedding.
This was one of my favorite photos.

We set some record high temperatures 
here in South Dakota.

But this is the biggest and most important news...
Amy and Baby Jack are going to visit us here in a week!

This calls for some new bedding in Amy’s old bedroom.

I have the most generous friends
that lent me the necessary infant equipment.
We have the Pac 'n Play set up across the hall
in Aunt Emily's old bedroom.

I ordered the appropriate bedding
and washed it with 
the appropriate laundry detergent.

This infant seat rocks and vibrates.

This infant seat swings and plays music.

I set up a changing station for Amy and baby,
with some wipes and diapers.

This infant seat is like a cozy little cocoon,
in case Jack doesn't like sleeping in the Pack 'n Play.

Tummy Time at Papa and Nana's house!

Hubby and I celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary.
MIL treated us to dinner at Mavericks
and Mavericks treated us to dessert.

We have enjoying getting things ready
and look forward to having our family visit.
(Stay tuned for photos.)

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...