Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What’cha Workin on Wednesday? Much Miscellaneous ~Etsy Christmas in July ~Mask Making ~Back to School ~Dog Days of Summer

There’s been some activity
in my Tins and Treasures Etsy Shop.
This Mini Annie Ornament
went to her forever home in Ohio.

And this Prim Wooden Tree is on its way
to New Jersey.

Hubby and I have been busy creating...
In the Wood Shop and in the Sewing Studio.

Since Papa still goes to the office,
I wonder what Gigi does to fill her day?

Unless I leave early for Senior Hour at the Supermarket,
I start my day with coffee,
my book of daily inspirational readings,
my calendar, and list of things to do.

This Meme came across my Facebook Newsfeed.
It made me chuckle! I can relate!!

I continue to make Face Masks
for those who want or need to wear them.

With more stores enforcing their mask mandate,
and school scheduled to start,
I have experimented with some youth size masks.

Speaking of school starting...seeing this at Target
early in July caused my blood pressure to rise.
And I’ve been retired for three years!

With the end of summer in sight, and the start of school on the horizon,
I have been listing a variety of items on the Facebook Marketplace
and On-line Rummage sale sites.

Typical Summer Weather...plenty of heat and humidity.
Last week, we experienced quite a heat wave.
It was too hot to turn on the oven or stand at the grill.

We appreciated our AC and refreshing salads for dinner.

Enjoy the Dog Days of Summer.

Take care,

Friday, July 24, 2020

When Great Grandma Turns Ninety One

You might remember that last year we had a Party
for Great Grandma’s Milestone 90th Birthday.
However, I’d say that now, every birthday we celebrate
with her is a milestone!

Hubby’s sister invited us to her house for dinner.
She purchased Salmon, cause Great Grandma loves Salmon.

Hubby was in charge of preparing it on the grill.
The menu also included Rice, Salad, and Bread...

Along with our first Corn on the Cob of the season.
It was delicious.

For her gift, I found a cute basket and filled it
with some of her favorite consumable items.
After all, a Senior doesn’t really need
any more “stuff” for their house!

We included a bottle of Pino Grigio,
Harvest Wheat Crackers and Cheese,
Her favorite Sweet Snack Bars,
A Bunch of Grapes,
And Fresh Cut Flowers.

My Sister in Law gave her a roll of Stamps...
I think that is a genius idea for a
Senior Birthday Gift.

We topped off the evening
with a little cake and ice cream.

Happy Birthday.
Here’s to Many More!

Take care,

Monday, July 13, 2020

Monday Memories ~When Jack Came to our House to Stay ~How We Spent our Evenings

You’ve all seen Lizzie’s favorite chair in our family room...
it’s where she sits to watch Bison Football games,
and where she sits to supervise me on the treadmill.

She shared that comfy chair with her buddy
when we all sat together to watch movies.

Of course, first we had dinner.
Papa, can you cut that pizza any faster?

Then, after dinner, we all went on this walk
around the neighborhood.

When it was Movie Time, these two seemed
pretty content to share the Lazy Boy chair.

What did we watch?

If you are a parent or grandparent you know these movies well.
I’d say Moana was my favorite.
How about you?

Of all Bedtime Snacks, I think Ice Cream was our favorite.

Good to the last drop...

The bedtime routine continued with
Pajamas, Story time, and Hugs.

Sleep Tight and Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite.

Take care,

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Our Little Red Wagon ~Fun in the Neighborhood ~Taking Helper Cat for a Ride

What’s just about as much fun
as riding the train at Storybook Land?

That’s right,
Taking Lizzie for a Ride in our Wagon.

There are two seats in the Wagon,
however Jack would rather walk than ride.

We put on a few miles around
our neighborhood.

I’m not sure who had the most fun here...
Jack, Papa, or Lizzie?

Now, she wants to know...
When can we go again?

Stay safe and well, everyone.

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...