Sunday, February 21, 2021

Amaryllis Report ~This Plant Does Not Disappoint

The Amaryllis has the most beautiful blooms.
Just look at that vibrant color...

Maybe you remember my post from three weeks ago,
The buds were just starting to open.

The Amaryllis flowers are huge.

The plant was a Christmas gift from
good friends, Bob and Becky.

That pot of soil, that was delivered to our doorstep,
contained three bulbs that
I have nurtured since early December.

And this was my reward...

...a lovely contrast to the snow and ice out on our patio.

At one time there were seven buds
that appeared, ready to open.

They have graced us with their beauty for six weeks now.
Today, there are two blossoms that are still looking strong.

Thank you, Bob and Becky, for this lovely gift...
A bright spot during these winter months.

Take care,

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