Sunday, September 12, 2021

Visiting Great Grandma ~Four Generations Together ~Making Memories with Family

Henry got to meet his Great Grandmother.
And Great Grandma got to wrap her arms around that sweet little boy.

My MIL is 92 and still lives in her own home,
with the assistance of her family that lives here in town.
Jack and his Mama enjoyed looking at photos of
when she was a little girl.
Henry just wanted to play toys with his Aunty Emily.

We took the tour of her yard and garden.
It was hot…it was sunny…
We just couldn’t get a photo with all of them looking at the camera.

No matter how hard we tried to convince them,
it was just too hot to pose.

Great Grandma spent a couple of evenings in our home too.
These two love to cook and offered to prepare a meal.

This Orzo Arugula Salad was fabulous.

Homemade Hot Pepper Relish over cream cheese
is an easy and delicious appetizer.

My MIL and SIL came over together
to join in on the Family Fun.

This Papa and Gigi just took care of the
Host and Hostess duties.
He also watched over the Pork Loin in his Smoker.

Along with the Smoked Pork Loin,
we feasted on that tasty Arugula Orzo Salad,
and Roasted Brussels Sprouts.

After dinner, we made our way outside for
another rousing game of Corn Hole.

It was a close one and every ringer
deserved a celebration dance!

Gigi and Great Grandma took our seats in the Spectator Area.

A couple of days later we found ourselves
back in Great Grandma’s Yard. Her garden is truly a a family affair.
My SIL had picked her beets the day before.
Emily took on the chore of scrubbing them clean.

Again, Gigi and Great Grandma cheered her on
from the Spectator Area.
Once back in her kitchen, we all pitched in and cooked them,
peeled them, cut them, and bagged them.

Jake finished his work in the office and joined us.
We brought Lasagna and the typical Sides to share dinner with her.

Making Sweet Memories.

Take care,

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