Monday, January 2, 2023

Monday Miscellaneous ~Motivation ~Girlfriends ~Getting Organized

Motivation Monday
It’s the first of the New Year…
a day when I wake up recharged from the weekend…
ready to take on all..the..tasks!

If I was your teacher, you heard me say this often
during our Time Management Unit.

This is the color I chose for my Holiday Manicure.
It’s called Wild Fire.

Retail Therapy 
I enjoyed some good girlfriend time last week.
We went to Hobby Lobby and Target, to check out the Clearance Sales.
Thank you for driving, Paula.

We found so many bargains at 75% off.

I snatched up some supplies to use when creating
new items for next year’s Winterfest. 

And I purchased a few new items to decorate our home.
I saved this new outdoor mat for next year…
The one that’s out there will be all worn out.
I’ll be glad to find the extra strings of lights next year, too.
All for 75% off!

Kitchen Organization 
How do you all store your herbs and spices?
I had three different baskets that contained baggies
and containers of different shapes and sizes.
A bit inconvenient, indeed.

I purchased new spice jars, all the same size.
To fill them, I created a paper funnel to avoid spilling.

Attach the labels and arrange alphabetically.
We’ve already saved so much time.

The Holidays are now a memory.
It’s time to pack up the Nativity Scenes,
Santas, Stockings, and Gift Bags.

The Warm Memories of Time with Family and Friends
will remain with us for a Lifetime.

Take care,

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