Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Sanford Visits ~My Recovery Report ~Photos of my Motivation to Get Strong

Here’s an aerial view of that big beautiful tree
in the Sanford Lobby.

Yes, I am still going there twice a week.
Maybe some of the folks out at Sanford
think I work there now??

Last week, one of the visits was for my Prolia Injection.
I’m sure it’s no surprise, that I have osteoporosis.
I’ve gotten Prolia injections for years, and the good news is
that there is evidence of improvement in my bone density.

The tree up in that Center was decorated beautifully with
pink and gold ornaments.
And this is where I had the view of that lobby tree from above.

My other appointment last week was with my Orthopedic Physician.
He did not mention what yard line I am on this time,
but I do think, by his comments, I may be within field goal range?
(Remember last time, I was on the 50 yard line.)

The tree in the Orthopedic Pod is a Snowman.
They can probably leave that one up until March
 here in the Dakotas, at the rate we’re getting snow.

This week’s appointments are for Physical Therapy
and for my Covid Booster.
Plus, I am doing my PT stretches and exercises twice a day at home.
It is a full time job. But I am determined to be stronger for our trip…

…So I can play with these guys.
No, I’m not going IN their bouncy house,
but it will be fun to watch!

And then there’s this smile…I can’t wait to
snuggle with this little princess.

Take care,

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