Saturday, November 30, 2013

Black Friday Traditions...

We Geffre girls love to shop and there's nothing better than
getting up early on the day after Thanksgiving and going out together.

And, we've enjoyed sharing this traditon with our foreign exchange daughters...
here in 2012.

And here in 2009.

This year...there are no girls in the house,
but hubby was not opposed to heading out to the mall with me.

Notice, it is daylight when we left the house...
we thought we'd wait till all the crazies had finished shopping
and were home, back in bed!

How about you?
Any great bargains to brag about??

Take care,

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Blessings to all our Family and Friends

courtesy of Vintage Holiday Crafts

By now, most of you have eaten your fill, watched some football, played a few games and spent time with family and friends. We had a small gathering at our table this year...but enjoyed each other's company along with conversations with both of our daughters thanks to Facetime.

We have much to be thankful for...
faith, family, good friends, 
health, and health insurance!
Also, jobs that we enjoy, good food and warm homes.

I hope this finds you all happy and healthy...
perhaps resting up before heading out for a little Black Friday Shopping!

Take care,

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

An Early Thanksgiving Feast...

Do you all remember the fall display by our front entry?

Well, this week, something has enjoyed the refreshing nourishment of our pumpkin flesh.
The birds?  The squirrels??

Our 'watch cat' looks quite concerned...

If only she could talk...

Take care,

Friday, November 22, 2013

All Dressed Up...and No Place To Go

This is Winterfest Weekend.
Hubby and I look forward to this event all year...

This year, because of my accident,
we had to withdraw our application.

My Santas and Snowmen are just hanging out here in storage,
waiting for a new home.

Along with my Infinity Scarves.

We're all a little bit disappointed here...
but, we're hoping to be back next year.

Take care,

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Help...I'm Turning into an Old Lady!

With two 'bum' wrists it takes me twice as long to do the things that I used to take for granted.
I need to get up between 4:30 and 4:45 just to get myself ready,
to the Supermarket,
and to school on time.

Sooo...just wanted to show you my first breakfast in the weee hours of the morning.
Right, it's a breakfast fit for an old lady...

And, my new hairstyle?
I guess, it's pretty much a "shampoo and set".
Most salons aren't even equiped for that!
You need to check yourself into the assisted living facility to get a decent "shampoo and set"!!

I guess it's inevitable...
It can't be stopped.
It's gradual...
You aren't aware that it's happening.
But, one day, you wake up and realize, 
you've turned into your mother.

Take care,

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Where the Week Went...and Saturday's Work was not really work...

Another week has passed...
With physical therapy, my wrists are getting 
a little stronger and more flexible.

My friend and our School Resourse Officer came into my classes to talk about his role at Central and School Safety.  He conducted a mock traffic stop and some field sobriety tests with volunteer students.

Our school is also very fortunate to have a Prevention Specialist on staff to work with students and high risk behaviors. Here we are trying some simple tasks while wearing the Vision Impairment Goggles.

Saturday's Work
This Saturday, my work at home was put on hold,
as I had the opportunity to represent Electrolux and demonstrate the use of their cooktops and Lang's Audio, TV & Appliance Store.

The store is beautiful and they have a fabulous demonstration kitchen.

The weekend promotion featured complementary beverages and treats for the customers...
and you can see my demonstration set up on the other side of the island.

I prepared three recipes throughout the day...
Lemon Ricotta Mini Pancakes,
Sweet and Spiced Pecans, and
Angel Hair Pasta with Cherry Tomato, Garlic, Basil & Procuitto Relish

Here's a sample of the Mini Pancakes with fresh Raspberries.
You will notice there is no oil in the batter...
plus the ricotta cheese provides 7 g. of protein per serving!

Let me know if you try the recipe.
Take care,

Sunday, November 3, 2013

All Saints' Sunday ~ Remembering my Mom

Today, the first Sunday in November,
we honor and remember all our church members that died in the past year.

We lit a candle as their name was read, along with this prayer...
"Living God, we thank you for the gift of life eternal, 
and for all those who having served you well, now rest from their labors. 
Today we give thanks for those who during the last twelve months have died and entered into glory."

My mother was a woman of strong faith.
As a young married woman, she worked along side my dad on the farm,
and like so many women in the 1950s and 1960s, she also worked in the church.

She was a member of the women's group and attended Bible Study once a month. When it was her turn to lead the lesson, she spent hours with her Bible and Devotion Book.
These women served at receptions for weddings, anniversaries and funerals.
My mom was the Sunday School Superintendent and sang alto in the choir.
And once a month, we would pack a lunch to spend the day in town cleaning the church.

In her later years, mom had lost most of her hearing and her precious eyesight.
There was very little that she could do, and she questioned why the Lord kept her here...but the answer was always the same...

 She was here to pray for her family.

Today, a candle was lit in remembrance of my mom.
"Lord, we thank you for her life and love among us.
We rejoice with her in her new life with you."

Blessings to all of you who are 
remembering loved ones on this All Saints' Sunday.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...