Friday, June 17, 2016

Dream Vacation ~The Full Story ~~Day Three: Bury St Edmunds

Beautiful Bella
Amy and Nick were both scheduled to work this morning, 
allowing me some relaxation time and a chance for a little jet-lag recovery.
They had suggested the Liberty Village Walking Trail, drawing out an elaborate map...
however, it was not just rainy, it was pouring.
Therefore, I spent the morning hanging out with their sweet kitty!

I was pretty excited for this afternoon, 
as Amy had planned a trip to Bury St Edmunds.
This is where they lived when they first moved to the UK.
Amy's MINI Cooper is perfect for her... streets are narrow,
and parking spots are tight.
No one, I mean no one, drives a big pickup!

Remember it was raining...
and driving in the UK is a whole new experience.
First, you are on the left side of the road.
Then, there is no shoulder on the road.
Plus, there are hedges, bushes, and stone walls right beside the road.

Also, nearly every single intersection is a roundabout.
Pretty sure, if I had to drive, I would never go anywhere!!

I was quite impressed with how Amy navigated all of this.
We left her MINI Cooper in the Pay to Park lot.

We did not go in, as they were full to capacity...
that is, perhaps less than 10 patrons.

The Town Center Shops

I enjoyed browsing around in the shops that Amy frequents.

google image ~Javelin, Bury St Edmunds
I couldn't help but get a little something for myself 
in one of Amy's favorite boutiques.

We didn't let a little rain dampen our spirits...

Abbey Gardens

It was simply lovely...
and I imagine Amy and Nick enjoyed 
walking here on a warm, sunny day!

Before we left for home,
we ordered "take away" from Voujon,
Amy & Nick's favorite local Indian restaurant.

While waiting for our dinner,
we stopped in at another local establishment.

Our afternoon spent in Bury St Edmunds 
ranks right up there with my favorites.

Take care,


Kit said...

Even in the rain, you are out there exploring. I love it! Great photos. :) Kit

Unknown said...

What an amazing trip, Natalie! I'm so enjoying reading about your excursions!

DUTA said...

In England, driving and the rain can ruin a day.
Luckily, there are shops and pubs that make up for that.
The "Nutshell" pub looks cute.

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