Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dream Vacation ~The Full Story: Day Four ~~I've Been to London to Visit the Queen ~and Honoring our Fathers

Our adventure into London was certainly another highlight of my trip.
It is not exactly conveneint to get there...
first a two hour drive, in traffic,
(that big truck is called a lorry in the UK, btw)

then when we got closer to the city, Amy drove us to three different towns 
before we found a place to park her little minicooper 
so we could catch a ride on The Tube.

Have I mentioned that Amy was the best little tour guide.
I still get chills when I think of this spot...  
We had gotten off the underground rail transit,
and rode at least three sets of escalators to reach the street.

Of course, I was busy watching my step 
so that I wouldn't fall in all of the congestion.
And when we came out on the sidewalk,

I looked up.

This is one of many favorite moments.
Big Ben was right..across..the street!

Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament

Next stop...

Westminster Abbey

Add this to my list of favorites.
In a way, I felt like I had been here before?

google image
And this is why...
I always loved, loved, loved Princess Diana.
I watched her wedding to Prince Charles with great interest, 
as we both were married in 1981.

google image
And then years later,
I set my alarm to get up in the middle of the night to watch
William and Kate's wedding...

google image
...right here in the Westminster Abbey.

Taking photos is prohibited here.
(they will confiscate your camaras/phones)
So thus, the google images.

It was breathtaking to be here in person.

Next stop...Buckingham Palace.
Stay tuned!

Take care,

Happy Father's Day to all who care for and nurture our young.


Unknown said...

What an amazing experience for you!!! I loved Diana too..and to have a "tour guide" like Amy makes it so much nicer. It's fun to read of your exploits.. No doubt it's the closest I'll ever come to making a trip there!

DUTA said...

Escalators ... you can't with them and you can't without them.
Diane was lovely, and she was an exception, as the women in the royal family are quite plain - looking.

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