Saturday, September 29, 2018

Happy Heavenly Birthday to my Daddy

He would have been 100 years old this year!

                        Take care,

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~Weekly Target Run ~Soaking up the Sunshine ~Sewing Studio Project ~And a Tasty Quinoa Salad

True statement on my Newsfeed this week.

Lorie and I meet at Starbucks/Target nearly every Wednesday. 
There are cup holders to attach to your cart 
for hands free shopping.
Ask for one when you order your coffee!

Since when did Halloween get to be such a big deal?
There are four aisles of orange and black.

It was a beautiful sunny day.
Back at home,
Lucy was quick to claim this spot in the foyer...

And she intended to hang out there for awhile!

My best find at Target today, on the clearance rack, 
Kitty Pajamas...perfect for this Old Cat Lady.

On my sewing table, Santa Suits.

I made an awesome salad for dinner.
(Thanks for the tomatoes, Charlotte)

I prepared the Black Beans, Corn, and Vegetables 
while the Quinoa was cooking.

The recipe is on my Pinterest Page.
Check out my Vegetarian Board.
It is good and good for you!

We hope you had a Wonderful Wednesday.

Take care,

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Happy Fall, Y’All ~Happy Heavenly Birthday to my Mom

The First Day of Autumn.
It was time to switch up our decor...
I love the rich warm colors of pumpkins and mums.

The summer wreaths are down and in storage.
Fall foliage is now the theme.

Welcome to our home!

Of course, I have a collection of items 
that I have created for my Etsy Shop.

Other items were gifts from blog friends.
This witch sits in the stairway 
and is watching everyone who enters.

This Black Cat was my very first sale 
in my Tins and Treasures Etsy Shop...
ten years ago.

Witches, Black Cats,
 Pumpkins, and Scarecrows...

It’s the little things that make your house a home.

My mother has been in my thoughts today.
Well, I think about her every day, but especially today...

She is celebrating her birthday in heaven.
She would have been 98 years old. 

Take care,

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

What’cha Workin’ On ~Looking for the Blog Worthy

When you are a Retired Empty Nester, 
nearly everyday is the same...
Do House Chores, Run Errands, Prepare Dinner...
Start over the next day!

I haven’t posted to my blog for nearly three weeks, 
because, to be honest, it would be quite dull.

However, we are enjoying fresh produce 
from Great Grandma’s Garden this fall. 
That’s blog worthy, right?

Do you all peel your fresh tomatoes this way?
Immerse them in boiling water,

Then plunge them into ice cold water.

It’s a hot job, but it is so easy...the peelings come right off.

When the tomatoes were simmering,
I chopped the onion, pepper, garlic, and celery.
BTW, the pepper is from Great Grandma’s garden, too.

This sauce simmered all afternoon.

The next day I added ground beef, Italian sausage, 
mushrooms, fresh basil, and all the seasonings.

Of course, we had to try some right away!

It is sooo delicious 
with fresh Parmesan Cheese and a green salad.

While it seems labor intensive, 
we have enough sauce for six more meals!

Nothing compares to the flavor of 
homegrown garden vegetables.

I hope you all have had a chance to enjoy some of your own!

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...