Friday, March 27, 2020

The Little Things That Make Me Smile ~What’s in my Inbox ~Gigi Misses that Little Boy

This Nana Gigi spent three weeks staying with our family
and looking after our Grandson
while his Mama was training for a new job.

Like all toddlers, we had lunch,
then read some books, and settled down for a little nap.

I kept watch via his monitor.
Sometimes he woke up on his own...
and sometimes it seemed like he could sleep all afternoon.

However, if you have cared for a toddler,
you know that one must limit that nap time,
so they will eventually go to sleep at night.

After two+ hours, I’d slip quietly into his room,
turn off his sound machine, open the blinds,
and sit in his rocker/glider.

From there I’d softly sing some songs.
Songs that I learned in Sunday School years and years ago.
Jesus Loves Me...
Into My Heart...and,
I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in my Heart.

Soon, he would let me know when he was ready
to get up and out of his bed.

The afternoons, right after naptime
were perhaps my favorite time of our day.
If he was still a little sleepy, he sit on my lap
and we’d rock and sing some more.
And he never seemed to care how well I can sing!

So, if you can imagine, I am missing those times...
Those after nap snuggles and that sweet smile.

I have cherished all the photos
that have since come in my text messages.
Thank you, Mama!

Papa and Gigi look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Take care,

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