Sunday, March 29, 2020

Weekend Road Trip ~Country Roads ~Sand Lake Wildlife Refuge ~Social Distancing ~Flatten the Curve ~Stop the Spread ~A Message from Jack

The Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge
is a quick drive from our home.

I have not ventured out and about since returning
from my trip out East to visit our Family.
This was a great opportunity to break my 14 Day Self Quarantine...
a road trip to see all the geese that are migrating north.

I had not been out here since our girls were young.

I highly recommend it.
Load up your vehicle, immediate family only.
You should be spending time with just the people
that live under your roof. It will be a nice change of scenery
from the inside walls of your home.

From a distance, that looks like snow on the lake.

But when you get closer,
it’s easy to see that it is all snow geese.

It is a stunning site to see.
(Be sure to watch the video in my comments.)

We enjoyed making our way home,
driving through the small towns,
and detouring around the flooded roads.

Jack says, 
”Get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.”

Enjoy what’s left of your weekend.
Stay Home and Stop the Spread of COVID-19.

Take care,

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