Friday, November 4, 2022

This Week’s Healing Report ~My Afternoon at Sanford ~Focus on BP and PT ~ My Main Motivation

Naturally, my Level of Motivation is already high.
I want to get back to my pre-accident life, filled with travel,
Spending time with friends,
My hobbies, and even my House Chores.

We haven't been all together, in the same place,
at the same time, since the Summer of 2021.
I’m sure you notice that there is now another member in our family
that is missing from this photo.

However, we have an invitation to join family,
 in a special celebration after the first of the year.
Oh, how we hope we can go.

I have appointments at Sanford once, sometimes twice, a week.
First stop, the Clinic for a Blood Pressure Check.

Haha, Right?!?

My first reading was too high,
so I sat alone, trying to think about nothing, for 10 minutes.
Second reading was better, but still too high.
An increase in my dose of medication will hopefully fix this problem.

Our daughter ordered my own BP Cuff for me to use at home.
I check and record my numbers three times a day.
Here is my “station”.
I leave it set up on our Dining Room Table,
since we are currently not hosting any dinner parties.

For maximum relaxation,
I sit quietly, looking at my favorite magazine.
And yes, that is my Prayer Shawl on the back of the chair.

The nurse coordinated my two appointments this week.
The hospital and clinic are connected,
and it is a short indoor walk.

My initial Appointment with my Physical Therapist,
started with an assessment of my routine, and level of pain.
We talked about posture when sitting and standing,
And a comfortable position for sleeping.

Should I have told her that my morning rest includes
our Support Cat sleeping on my chest?!

This was my view from the exam room.
I look forward to using some of this equipment some day.

But our approach needs to be slow and easy,
She taught me some stretches, eleven to be exact,
to be done twice a day.
I’ve added this to my daily schedule and recovery folder…

…Where I keep a log of my medication.
(I am taking 20 pills per day)

I also have a log of my fluid intake, in the folder.
I am to limit my water, because of my sodium level.
There’s also my BP journal,
and a calendar with future Sanford appointments.

This recovery is my new full time job.

It is your love, prayers, warm thoughts, visits, phone calls,
virtual hugs, and overwhelming generosity that will help me heal.

Thank you, precious family and dear friends.

Take care,

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