Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things in my House that Make me Happy

I am so proud to have my grandmothers' sewing machines.
This sewing machine belonged to my mom's mom.
Her name was Hilda and her picture is at the bottom of this page.
I use her antique machine as a base for my own sewing machine and serger.
All the attachments are here...
Perhaps I was chosen to own these
because I went to school to major in Textiles and Clothing and Clothing Construction.

But what really makes me smile, is this note...
in the drawer...
in my grandmother's handwriting...

"Let no one ruin this machine"

Just what do you think motivated her to write this message?

Take care,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tasty Doughnuts and Tuesday's Tip of the Day

Doughnuts are not something that someone should eat everyday...
...However, doughnuts make a delicious, special treat now and then.

These drop doughnuts are so delicious and so easy to make.
I posted the recipe here.

Tip of the Day:
Use your cookie scoop to drop the batter into the hot oil.
This insures that doughnuts will be a manageable size and fry all the way through.
The doughnuts will be uniform in size.
The doughnut "dropper" will experience less hot oil spatters on his/her hand.

My Basic Foods students really enjoyed these doughnuts.
Come back and let me know if you tried this recipe.

Take care,

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Mania & Where the Weekend Went...

It was a whirl-wind weekend, for sure...
Hubby and I traveled nearly 600 miles.

First visit college-age daughters.
We enjoyed lunch together at a favorite pizza place,
"Spicy Pie".

We cheered on Jake and his Bison teammates at their Lacrosse Game.
The next day they went on to win the Tournament Championship.

A little tail-gating before the football game.

Lots of scoring by the Bison during the football game.

On Sunday we traveled to Mom's to help
celebrate her 90th Birthday.

The girls made the 3 hour drive to be with Grammy on her special day.

Special guests included family members and friends.

The ladies from our church made a quilt for mom.

The weekend went so fast.
There's nothing better than spending time with family and friends.

Take care,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Things in my House that Make me Happy

I collect cookbooks...
I absolutely love cookbooks...
...especially ones with pretty pictures.
There are a few of my favorites here, in my dining room.

Maybe you recognize the fabric covered box that I recieved in a blog swap,
from my blog friend, Marie, at Spun by Me.

Notice the fabric strawberries and watermelon slices that I received in a blog giveaway from my blog  friend, Brenda, at The Rusty Thimble.'s just the simple things that make me most happy.

Take care,

Happy 90th Birthday to my Mom

Today is my mom's 90th Birthday.
She treasures her family and friends.

Here she is with some of her July visitors.
We will be hosting an open house for her on Sunday.
I hope you can stop by!

Take care,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Whatcha Workin' On Wednesday?

It has been 'yeast dough week' in my Basic Foods class...
Dinner Rolls...
Cinnamon Rolls...
Is anyone interested in the recipes???

Can you believe it is the 5th week of the term...
Parent Teacher Conferences...already...

So, correcting and recording...

My mom's birthday is tomorrow...
We're planning an open house for her this weekend.

I found Mums on sale at Walmart for $2.44.
They are so beautiful.
They will be perfect on the tables.

Take care,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Best Bread Pudding

We belong to an informal dinner group.
It all started about 3 years ago with one other couple...
we would meet once a week, after work, and share a few appetizers.

The following year...
Another couple joined us on occasion.
Their children are younger and involved in many school activities.

This year...depending on schedules...
attending school activities,
visiting adult children.
caring for aging parents.
traveling for work...

We enjoy Monday night conversation with 4 other couples.

Sometimes we go out...
Sometimes we meet in our homes.

The couple that is hosting, prepares the main dish.
The rest of us bring either an appetizer, side dish, salad or dessert.

Last evening, I brought
And Paula isn't exaggerating...
It was the best!

When I got home from school, I cubed the bread and laid it out on a baking sheet in a warm oven.
(The ingredients are staples that you will find in your kitchen at home.)

2 cups granulated sugar
5 large beaten eggs
2 cups milk
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3 cups cubed Italian bread, allow to stale overnight in a bowl

(I think it is important to use a good quality vanilla)

1 cup packed light brown sugar
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, softened
1 cup chopped pecans
The Brown Sugar, Butter and Pecan Topping is amazing.
And if you wish, you can prepare the Special Sauce.

1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted
1 egg, beaten
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup brandy

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 13 by 9 by 2-inch pan.
Mix together granulated sugar, eggs, and milk in a bowl; add vanilla. Pour over cubed bread and let sit for 10 minutes.
In another bowl, mix and crumble together brown sugar, butter, and pecans.

Pour bread mixture into prepared pan. Sprinkle brown sugar mixture over the top and bake for 35 to 45 minutes, or until set. Remove from oven.

For the sauce:
Mix together the granulated sugar, butter, egg, and vanilla in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir together until the sugar is melted. Add the brandy, stirring well. Pour over bread pudding. Serve warm or cold.

It's a wonderful way to start our work week.

Take care,

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Vintage Elegance

This is one of the pieces of fabrics in my mother's sewing supplies.
It is so rich and elegant.
It has a wonderful drape.
The color is the most beautiful eggplant.
I just listed it in my Etsy Notions Shop.

Take care,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

College Game Day ~ Update ~ Bison 35, Bears 9

Our season tickets are for the same seats we had last year.
We have an awesome view of the stadium.

The student section was full to the top...
In addition to these 4 sections,
there are two more student sections in the end zone to our left.

The Marching Band performs a great half-time show.

The best part was spending the afternoon and evening with our family.

Enjoy some time with your family and your friends.

Take care,

The first home game today...
Go Bison

Have a great day,
whatever your plans.

I hope your favorite team wins
(unless they're playing the Bison!)

Take care,

Welcome March ~What‘cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~the Little Things that Make me Smile

It’s been nearly a week since we said Hello to March. She came in like a gentle Lamb, however a couple days later, Mother Nature had other i...